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Friday, February 7, 2025

Lord, I Nēd You

At the time of me starting to write this next blog which is 2/2/25… I’m thinking about next week when I will be undergoing yet another PET scan to look for any active cancer. These are performed every 6 months and ALL praise to my Creator God, Yahweh, Heavenly Father, Lord of lords, King of kings, Miracle Maker, and Healer because the past 3 PETS have given a NED (No Evidence of Disease) result! Now I await another one in hopes that it’ll be the same NED.

Sneak peek into how my brain works…I chose to live my life as joyfully, gratefully, and normally as I am able despite a stage 4 diagnosis. I stay positive. I trust. I ring my Gratitude Bell often! I know I’ve been healed! It’s not just a mental tease that I tell myself like a pep talk. It’s a reality. Even Dr Johnson, my oncologist, says it’s a miracle! And yet….I have to fight back the thoughts of the “what ifs” as I see Feb. 5 PET SCAN on my calendar. There are the thoughts that test my ability to stay focused on the goodness of God no matter what the results are. There are the creeping-in doubts of my humanity where I wonder how joyful and grateful I would be if it’s not the same NED result? I tell myself to be calm and grateful no matter what the next result is and I will hold space for those sad emotions if needed. But today I’m not going to waste the time on what ifs! Today I’m praising God, continuing to read Scripture, ringing my Bell and living my best life. Today I will be present in the present and give God my future…it’s all His anyway to do as He pleases. I’m His! As I read in the Bible in the book of Acts here are some verses that touched me…

I have a lifelong friend named Shelley who is also in the battle with cancer and this morning she sent me this video! Thank you so much, Miss Shelley! You know I’ll be ringing my Gratitude Bell going in and coming out of the infusion center today because I can!

And recently I watched a movie on Netflix called The Forge. At first it was a bit cheesy but because Priscilla Shrirer is in it, I continued to watch it. It got better and better and by the time it was over I immediately texted my son and asked him to watch it…then I prayed off and on all night for him. One scene in the show was talking about The Roman Road. That made me think that this would be a great opportunity to share it here to remind us all of theTruth in God’s Word. So simple yet so life changing for those who embrace it personally. 

When I wake up every morning, my first thought is, “Lord, thank You for another day… now show me today how to live for You!” Then I take a deep deep breath in and think as I breathe in all things that bring life, love and healing to my body and exhale negative thoughts, fears and anything that destroys. 

2/5/25 PET scan day. I’m sitting at The James awaiting the SCAN that will predict my medical journey moving forward. It’s weighty to think of every time, even if I’m hopeful, even though physically I feel great! After this test I’ll have an echocardiogram and then I wait for 2 days to have Dr Johnson deliver the results. 

In the meantime I’ll be hanging out with one of my dearest friends, Deb S. Her husband is out of town for several days so I will be visiting and staying with her for the rest of the week enjoying her company, reading her Jesus Calling devotional, worshiping together and sharing how God is working in our lives. Here are the past two Jesus Calling devotional daily readings that touched me deeply. 

Here’s report from Dr Johnson…

Only two words needed!! Hallelujah! And AMEN! 

This is such a sweet day when I see God’s blessings poured into my life. I trust Him alone to meet ALL my needs and today Jesus gave me literally smiles, hugs, tears of joy and celebration with these two literal angels while at the infusion center. Maud and Hanan were there for me in a way that nobody can really understand unless you know the inner thoughts and details of my life right now. Suffice it to say that they were evidence of God’s goodness and care for me, His treasured daughter! 

Maud’s hugs were like the arms of Jesus Himself as she and I shared a moment of an eternal connection that happens between believers in Jesus! Miracles are all around us if we have eyes to see!

Hanan is the sweetest smiling face that greeted me with warmth and love today. God knew I needed HER to be my check in nurse today. She started with me almost 3 years ago when I started coming to The James and I don’t always get her but she’s definitely my favorite!! Again, a miracle that God gave her to me on this day when God showed up in the little details!

So now I carry on living my life with Jesus directing and guiding me as I take care of my temple, my body, with nutritious food and exercise. I hiked by myself this past week at John Bryan on my mountain biking trails where I worshipped out loud and sang my Gratitude song, prayed for anyone and everyone who came to mind and was in awe of the gift of nature. I even saw a herd of deer jump up and scurry across my path. It reminded me of psalm 42. This is a photo of another hike from last week where I got to still see the remnants of snow as fog created a mystical beauty. 

I will continue to prioritize my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. I desire my life to reflect the gift of life I have. I pray my words & actions reflect Jesus’ grace and love for others. I choose to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus as He holds my hand and I ascend up that steep mountain I’m climbing called life. I recently learned of a free app called How We Feel

and it’s been truly amazing to be able to journal and record how I’ve been processing a challenging week. Here’s one of many inspirational quotes from the app. 

So now I’ll spend the remainder of today listening to some of my favorite worship songs that have been the staple on my playlist recently. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Bon jour 2025!

If you personally didn’t wake up tomorrow, are you, the reader…Yes YOU,  are you able to confidently know beyond a shadow of a doubt what will happen to your soul? The gift of having a cancer diagnosis has given me more courage to share that I can be certain (and so can you) that my soul will be eternally joined with my Creator. There’s evidence and hope in one and only One. I’ve learned not to fear death thanks to Dr Mary Neal’s encounter in 2016 and her book ‘To Heaven and Back’. I’ve learned not to question this reality or wonder if it’s true. Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 messianic promises (statistically that’s impossible unless it’s true!). Jesus died and rose from the dead (no other religions have a leader that accomplished that one!). Those who witnessed it went on to share it with the world and practically all of them were brutally murdered and willingly died in order to share this Truth so that you and I could hear it today. The book Stranger On The Road to Emmaus has been a favorite of mine and can be freely downloaded from the author’s website and it spells out how Jesus made a way for us to be assured of our destiny after we die. You simply can read the book if you don’t know any details about Jesus or read it even if you think you know the story. Jesus said that being a good person has nothing to do with going to heaven. Jesus said that no one comes to the Father except through Him through faith alone. I do believe. I trust in Jesus and the gift He gave me by paying for my sins so I don’t have to. I keep my eyes focused on Jesus alone. One book of the New Testament quotes in Hebrews where there are several translation options and several supportive scripture verses that share just one of many truths.  Believing in living multiple lives & reincarnation is a slap in the face to the One who gave up His life for me. Therefore, it’s my greatest hope that anyone reading this will investigate for yourself if you haven’t already and put your faith in the work of Jesus of Nazareth, the Jewish Messiah! And Him alone! If just one person reads my blog and puts their faith in Jesus, it’s all worth it.

I also have chosen a WORD for 2025. It’s continue.



being positive regardless of circumstances, 

sharing my faith in Christ alone, 

growing in knowledge of the Lord, 

reading Scripture daily, 

sharing smiles and compliments with others, adventuring, 

working on healthy relationships, 

having healthy boundaries, 

loving yourself well, 

being fit, 

eating smartly, 

encouraging a special friend in her faith walk,

with your cancer treatment. 


I kicked off the 2025 New Year chilling out in sunny Florida for over 2 weeks praising God for the arrival of my new grandchild! And as much as I would love to share the details and photos, out of respect for my daughter and her family’s request, I can only say that all is well and prayers of health have been answered!  What I can say is how incredibly grateful I am to still be alive and well and to have the physical strength to experience this gift of time! It fills my heart to hear the sounds of my granddaughter calling out my name over and over, to sing her Edelweiss and Amazing Grace while she falls asleep in my arms, and to serve my daughter and son-in-law with a hot cup of coffee in the morning, with laundry done, closets cleaned, dishes washed and dinner made so they can rest before I returned to Ohio. Thankfully before the baby arrived we did make it to the beach and I got in a good power walk along the shoreline!

As oppressively hot as the South can be in the summer, admittedly the winters in Florida are quite lovely with temps much warmer than in Ohio! And while we all donned sweatshirts and Fall jackets, sipped hot tea to warm up in the mornings, I am a little bummed to have missed the 10” of snow that fell back home in Ohio. John got to try out our new snowshoes that we gave each other for Christmas as he had that special experience of breaking trail at Caesar Creek!

My Floridian friend, Lisa, doesn’t understand how anyone can look forward to snow and thinks I’m a little crazy but I can’t wait to clip on my new snowshoes and hike out in the woods where a blanket of white pure snow awaits me! 

It was lovely to have one of my dearest friends from Ohio join me for a night out in Florida where we watched pelicans fly and yachts docked in the marina! She always joins her parents in Florida for a couple months close to where I was so we got a night out together! Thanks Karen for being a faithful friend who loves me so well!

Once I returned to Ohio so that I could receive my infusion at The James Hospital, it was good to be in my own home for a couple nights, doing my own routine. On the morning of my infusion, I treated myself at a delectable Columbus, OH bakery called Dan-the-Baker. Their citrus melange danish with blood oranges, tangerine & grapefruit with edible violet petals was off the charts! I know… No…it’s not Whole Food Plant Based, AND yet it was unbelievably scrumptious. Now back to greens and beans!

My nurse during the infusion, Stacie, was as sweet as they come. 

She was new to the floor where I get my infusions and she wasn’t aware of my Gratitude Bell inspiration. So I got to share with her how it came to be. Here’s the link to the Bevin Bell company that made these bells in my honor and the poem I wrote to go with it.

Gratitude Bell

Stage four will not define me 

Because I have a choice 

Gratitude is the song 

In my heart and in my voice 

Today ring these bells 

Softly to remind 

Yourself and others 

To be grateful and be kind 

Come on my soul 

Find the strength 

To lift up your song 

And your attitude


No matter the storm 

No matter the pain 

There’s always a choice 

Of Gratitude

By Tricia Wonderly

However, being home didn’t last long because John and I headed to Michigan for a special evening lantern lit snowshoe hike at Hartwick Old Growth Forest in Grayling, MI with my former sister-in-law and her hubby. We stayed at a beautiful lavender farm and got to snowshoe on their private 7 miles of trails before the evening event. I’m now a huge fan of snowshoeing! And now that we own our very own, John and I will be seeking out more snowy trails!

On our way home to Ohio we stopped at The Chalet toboggan run near Cleveland, OH. We stood in line for over an hour in weather that felt like 9F for only one run that looked like this!

Grateful. For so much!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Adieu 2024

The sweetest days I get to enjoy are ones with beloved family and friends and these past three weeks have been brimming over with those moments! 

To start, in Florida my granddaughter and I built a gingerbread house in which she enjoyed fist fulls of frosting more than the construction of the house! We also oooo’d and ahhhhh’d at all the wild primates swinging around in the Zoo! Observing them from a little river cruise boat created a unique experience and one that she squealed with such joy to see them. 

Then there was the Walk A Mile For Her Smile event for my dear friends, the Owen Family, as they honored their daughter Erica at the 10 year anniversary of her passing with a silent auction fund raiser, mile long walk around North Park and John got to be Santa yet again for the kids.  Arriving on a Harley with his elf buddy, Jeff P was as much fun for John as it was for the children! In fact, this year he has volunteered as Santa for several events. One of them I even opted to don a Mrs. Claus suit!!


We had the opportunity to go to St. Louis and while there we spent a few nights with my friend and former Sister-in-law, Debbie and her hubby, Randy. She and I hiked, laughed and shared the goodness of God in our lives!! I might have beat them all in a hilarious game of Mexican Train Dominos too!! So grateful for our continued friendship after all these decades! She is such a gifted artist and she’s very modest about her talent but I’d love to highlight it here

We also saw friends from the stair building association John’s affiliated with. Robin and Chas treated us to a St. Louis Blues hockey game and dinner following another Santa event John had. It’s truly amazing how many genuine friendships have come from his professional trade association!

GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY!! John and I hit 12 years on 12/12/24 and I’m speechless at the goodness of God toward me. It was only 2.5 years ago when I received the devastating news of a stage 4 metastatic breast cancer! A recurrence with only a 3-5 year prognosis. One of my goals in 2022 was to hit my 10 year anniversary and now look at us!!! Twelve years and going stronger every day! We went back to Hocking Hills State Park where we celebrated our honeymoon!

En Route to Christmas at my parents in Rockford, IL we popped in at dear cousins, Todd and Pam Parmenter’s for an overnight visit. I just love it that because of our Key family reunions as kids Todd, Pam and I remain so close to this day. Todd and I share the same great grandparents who left England with 6 of their eventual 15 children, crossing the Atlantic Ocean with hopes of a better life in America! They would be so blessed to know that we maintain family ties with such sweet fondness and intentionality. I also let Todd severely beat me in Mexican Train dominos because he hates to lose!! 😂 

Then on to Rockford, IL and not only did I get in 1 workout and 3 hikes with family, but I attended my niece’s Golden birthday on December 23rd, saw Christmas light displays, played the White Elephant game, and cooked a healthy meal for Christmas with my sister, Melissa! Getting another year with my parents and sisters as we all age gracefully is our gift and being with so many family members brought lots of laughter and no drama…another reason to celebrate besides the truest reason that I am grateful for this year is to remember the birth of the world’s Messiah!

Finally, I conclude my last blog of 2024 with a final photo and video after getting yet another infusion to treat my stage 4 NED (No Evidence of Disease) breast cancer! I’m looking forward to 2025 with another successful 17 infusions in my future and anticipating the birth of another grandchild soon! It’s my hope that our WonderVan will be completed and John and I will be living full time in it! It is my greatest wish and God’s will that ALL will come to Him, praising His holy name and feeling grateful for another year to share in His goodness!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Lots of Thankfulness

These beautiful faces are my dearest friend’s kiddos that we get the privilege of doing life with!! LillyMae and Zoey joined me in hand painting our Christmas cards and Ever got to go on a wintery hike with me, then we followed up with one of our favorite traditions, making what I call “Baked Children”, aka gingerbread men!!
I treasure every first snowfall as it’s one of my favorite days of the year even if it’s only a light dusting! This is at my special bench in Patricia Allyn Park where others have seen fit to relish in the sanctity of it by adding a stick cross and wind chime. I welcome it and am grateful others have discovered this little slice of heaven on earth in Ohio. 

Thanksgiving this year we drove to Rockford, IL again as tradition has it and although my Dad was suffering in physical pain, I was blessed that he joined us for dinner as my siblings and other family members came together for another holiday with loved ones. Also very glad my sissy, Melissa, eats like me and we had a harvest green and grain bowl as our Thanksgiving meal sans Turkey, buttery potatoes and sugary yams!!! 

Lys took me on a couple frigid early morning hikes in northern Illinois and fed me WFPB breakfast which I GREATLY appreciated! However, I will share and confess that I did gleefully indulge in a small piece of cherry pistachio panettone (that beautiful holiday bread I accidentally spent $95!!!!!! on from Dan-the-baker in Columbus, OH)!
While the weekend could have included my Boylan High School 40th class reunion, I opted instead to spend every moment with those with whom I hold dearest and only get to see a couple times a year… my family…
and one of my favorite humans on earth…WT! (You know who you are 😉). I was able to sip fresh herbal tea grown lovingly in her organic garden and I added a non-WFPB splash of her perfectly harvested fresh goat milk, which I’ve have dubbed Liquid Gold. Oh, to just sit in the peaceful serenity of her home, reminiscing, dreaming, learning and laughing: it is like a healing balm to an old friend’s soul! 

I was informed that one of my cousins, Judy Parmenter, was really getting quite frail and I was thrilled that John and I got to stop by and visit with her. She’s 93!! Our families familiarity and love for each other goes way back! I’m so grateful the Key clan had family reunions with the OG 15 siblings and their offspring as I was growing up! Judy’s grandparents are my great grandparents!! Does that make her my first cousin once removed? Or second cousin?? That would be something my sister Karen could answer. I spent many a Sunday dinner at Judy’s table while in college. She and her family provided a rich and spiritual home during my early 20s and I will forever be grateful for the deposits of security and family love I received from them. Family is a gift from God and Judy has always held a very special place in my heart. 

The WonderVan progress is coming along slowly but surely.  This week I applied a final finish clear coat on our veneer panels for the closet and bathroom walls. John’s engineering the shower pan and it hurts my brain to think of all the puzzle pieces he’s putting together to fabricate this all from scratch.

Tasks completed this week.. I got out the few Christmas postcards I painted this year. Here’s a sampling of a few of them. What a joy to pick up my water color paints again. The Bible verse from Isaiah 7:14 was the theme of the cards this year. 

Lastly, it’s been 3 weeks since my last infusion at The James and here I was getting my usual Herceptin and Perjeta. This day also started the first of 6 iron infusions for increasing my iron. Dr Johnson hopes that will address my frequent Charlie horses since my electrolytes are always normal.