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Monday, December 12, 2016

Day December 12, 2016 Unplugged and Happy Anniversary

This morning I arrived at Dr. Manders, hoping to get my drain removed. But I had  a little excitement yesterday, so I wasn't sure how she would react. John and I had lots of wood to chop and move for an event we are having this upcoming weekend, so he chopped and tossed me the logs and I moved the 4 ft logs (they were relatively thin and I could mostly hold them with one arm strength) onto our John Deere Gator to relocate to our campsite. After 3 hours of doing that and all the bouncing around on the Gator, we went home. I then proceeded to not bother John and I climbed up on our kitchen stool to search out a Christmas tin in the back of a cabinet. Unfortunately, the stool slipped from under my feet, a glass baking dish went flying, and landed on the floor, in shock and unable to catch my breath for a few minutes. The fear that I just ripped out any sutures and damaged my already bruised chest was very intense and I sat in shock for a few minutes while John tried helping me assess my injuries. Thankfully, I only endured a couple new bruises on my arm and leg. But for some odd reason, whether it was from working too much in the woods or from the stress of a fall, I produced 3-4 times the amount of fluid from my drain and I was concerned she would not removed the drain. Thankfully, she did remove it, told me to slow it down, and then gave me instructions for the extreme tightness in my arm, ibuprofen every 8 hours and a heating pad.

This morning I woke up realizing it was December 12th. It is my 4th anniversary. I was actually a little sad thinking about how this poor man is now dealing with a wife who has cancer! I felt so badly for him that this isn't what he bargained for. But he came sweetly up to me and stroked my grey peach fuzz and said, "But we love each other and we are doing this together, right?" Ok...melt my heart. He is the kindest man and so selfless. It is true. We are doing it together, as our marriage motto states. But I was just hoping our togetherness wouldn't include cancer within 5 years of knowing the man! Then I went into the kitchen and he has flowers and a sweet card waiting for me.

So I can honestly say that I am so thankful for being alive TODAY and I choose to celebrate my gift from God one more year. Thank you sweet Jesus.

Then I had the privilege of having lunch with my chemo salon sister, Karen. We enjoyed the entire afternoon together and I'm so thankful that God brought her into my life.

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