Blog Archive

Monday, April 25, 2022


This is a day of miraculous answered prayer and radical love by so many!

I must share what God did today to lift my spirits and give me such a display of crazy love! 

To start, my cousins Pam and Todd came in from Illinois for a couple nights to help with whatever was needed. Cooked, cleaned, shopped, took down our gazebo, loved and laughed, etc! These dear ones hold a sacred place in my heart. 

Then my dear friend and sister in Christ came by with flowers and a song. Does it get any sweeter than this?!

Then the big BIG answer to my and others specific prayer that the second hormone blocking medication I am being prescribed would be approved, affordable and come quickly. I was told it could cost $5000/mo and take 1-2 weeks to get approved but within a couple hours IT WAS APPROVED, WILL COST $0 and WILL BE OVER NIGHT SHIPPED HERE TOMORROW!! For this I’m so so thankful because I’ve really noticed a significant decrease in my breathing stamina so I’m hoping this will help stop the cancer cells from continuing to invade my lungs. 

I got to finally talk via video with two of my most kindred spirit friends and sister in law, Wendy T and Debbie K.  There truly is none like them. Everyone needs people like them in their life!

 My adoring and amazing team at work have set up a system where every day they’re dropping off a special gift. Tonight my dear friend and boss gifted me with a beautiful cross decoration and a daily blessing Journal. I love you guys. Thank you, Nicole! These two prayed over me and delivered the cooler of goodies! 

Lastly I got to spend a short visit with my son, Love, again. And I was thankful to talk to my daughter and sisters and mom today. My phone doesn’t stop with multiple encouraging texts, blessings, prayers and words of encouragement. Everyone EVERYONE i feel so loved my heart could burst!!! 

It’s my hope that each person whom ever hears my story or reads my blog will know they are deeply loved by God and that you’d call upon Jesus as your Savior. Let this never be about me but rather about your precious and wondrous relationship with our Creator. I know God is more than able to use my humble little life to show others about His mercy and forgiveness. I was blessed today to hear that a dear friend of ours, Tim, who doesn’t really ever talk about his faith was moved to pray for me. THAT is my miracle!! That is knowing my life has meaning and purpose. 

TOMORROW is my biopsy. Praying for comfort and precision and safety in the surgery. With my O2 and breathing issues I am prayerful that it will be successful. 

Now off to cuddle the best husband on earth! 

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