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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 85 The Miracle of Meeting Dr. Mary Neal

Today I had the privilege of meeting someone who significantly changed my life and I am most thankful. As I mentioned before, she is someone who the folks we are staying with knows, and she wrote a #1 NY Times Best seller book, To Heaven And Back. She graciously was willing to meet with me this morning and gave me an hour and a half of her time. She has talked with thousands of people regarding her near death experience, she has been on Dr. Oz, Oprah, etc and she is the most down to earth, humble, genuine person you'd ever want to meet. I just had to thank her for being willing to share her story as it has impacted me in a way I never really expected. She even brought me a copy of her book, and after we talked and I also shared about Jordan and Liz Pieniasek, she wrote a personal note in the book and we will give it to Liz as she will hopefully be very comforted to read about someone who personally has experienced death, not only herself, but has experienced deep loss when her 18 year old son died.

As a part of our adventure for the day, Burr and Linda own a white water raft and Burr has been a professional white water guide for years as a young man, so they took us on a long river ride down the Snake River! It was wild, wavy, and lots of fun. We laughed so hard when the boat dove down into the river and splashed drenched us! Then when we came up and were laughing with the thrill of it all, I jokingly said that the wave was so big, it took my hair right off! Gotta laugh at this crazy situation I'm in, bald and all.

Then tonight, we had another gift from God. As we were making dinner, we heard a little rain drop sound on the roof. We went outside and noticed a rainbow starting across the mountain behind the river and in the next 20 minutes, it formed the most vivid colorful rainbow, in fact, we got a double rainbow and the entire arch stretched across the sky right in front of our eyes. It was magnificent! Such a promise from God that all His promises are true.

Heading off to bed as we will be getting up very early for a surprise hot air balloon ride.

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