Blog Archive

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 57 Another Amazing Day

If I did not have this plastic port stuck under my skin, I would not even know I was in treatment for cancer!  I feel great, have tons of energy, and feel like my old self. I understand it may be a gift for a short while, but however long it lasts, I'm very thankful!

Tonight we had another Red Door couple over for the first time, Zach and Brittany Thurman. Those are some quality people! Something about this church that attracts the most genuine, interesting, kind-hearted, pleasant people! Again, John and I are so privileged to get to have them in our lives. Of course, John treated us to his master grilling  delicacies with lamb chops and grilled veggies!

I continue to receive so many very lovely cards from patients, friends, and family. Thank you again and again for thinking of me and praying for me!! And so many people have continued to help financially as my work has literally come to a complete halt. I honestly don't know how we are going to make it for a year without me working as a hygienist, but I am learning to trust God in it. He is showing me the kindness of many that I never expected would be reaching out. Again, I pray individually for each person who has blessed us, and I am humbled immensely. Thank you.

I plan on enjoying  each day this weekend until Tuesday at 9 am when I have my next chemotherapy. 


Anonymous said...

My cousin (breast cancer also discovered right after she turned 50) just had her port removed last week! She leaves in about 10days to visit my sis in Sweden.

You will be there (port removal day) before you know it, my friend.


Anonymous said...

My cousin (breast cancer also discovered right after she turned 50) just had her port removed last week! She leaves in about 10days to visit my sis in Sweden.

You will be there (port removal day) before you know it, my friend.
