Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Was It Really Me Who Had Cancer 2 Years Ago?

It has been over 2 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then I have learned more than I probably wanted about having it, and I have grown much more sensitive and comfortable talking to others about their cancer. There have been many gifts that having a cancer diagnosis delivered. Primarily, my fear of dying has been addressed and it truly is no longer a fear.  That's a HUGE gift! Thanks to meeting Dr. Mary Neal, and hearing about her story, God graciously helped me realize that death is not what I once imagined it to be (even as a Christian).

I also can very easily approach someone who is going through cancer treatment with a comfort and understanding that only someone who has walked in those shoes can do. Recently I met a sweet 30 something who is currently in chemo treatment and she was days away from her hair falling out. I couldn't wait to see her and rub her cute head and hand her lipstick, earrings, and an eyebrow pencil and tell her that those were the essentials for me to feeling feminine looking when the eyebrows and eyelashes finally go! But I assured her that the free Brazilian for 5 months was a huge plus!! When you can help someone just by talking about our own experiences so they don't have to feel alone or afraid, it turns my own journey into a mission. For that I am especially thankful.

And now that I have long curly hair growing back in and have energy back to normal and the brain fog has definitely lifted, I can say that I really, honestly and truly don't even think of myself as having had cancer. I know it when I see my tight chemo curls or see my deformed breast tissue, and I realize it every day when I don't have to put on scrubs and go to work as a dental hygienist, but rather put on heels and a dress to do dental consulting. The words come out of my mouth that I had breast cancer, however, I am very thankful that I don't identify myself as a cancer patient. I'm just me, the same me who has learned much and am taking life one precious day at a time until my sweet Lord calls me back home.