Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Jonathan is 30!

Today I dedicate this blog entry to my son, Jonathan. He says he’ll never read my blog, at least not now. He’ll read it someday after I’m gone, so hopefully in 44 years when I’m 100!?

But on July 14, 2023 he turned 30 and we had a party for him with some of his family & friends. I asked several family and friends to write him a note or letter and several did which blessed him immensely so thank you. 

I’m so grateful to call him mine, but really he is God’s first and I’m his mother steward. What a gift and treasure. Our past week together included him joining me for an infusion, celebrating his actual birthday with song, gifts, food and a bonfire! And tonight we went to Northstar CafĂ© and I shared with him my letter. May it bless him every day!

Grateful to be your mom!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Another Happy Tuesday

“Happy Tuesday!” That’s what we often say on the days we coach Special Olympics Floor hockey because of our sweet athlete, Lisa, who often says it because she’s so happy to be able to roll around in her wheelchair and play floor hockey. She’s a light in this world that brings us immense joy. 

Tuesday, July11th indeed was a happy one starting out at O-dark thirty when my son Jonathan and I drove to Columbus, OH. We were gifted with this sunrise! Good morning Lord!!

 This was his first time ever joining me for my cancer treatment. I asked him to document what actually happens at my appointments. Often I meet with my oncologist first but this time it was an infusion only. Here is a snippet of how things go. 

Starts with getting vitals. BP, temperature and O2 check. 

Then my port gets cleaned and accessed before they draw blood to make sure my blood count is good enough to receive the Herceptin and Perjeta medications.

Then I wait for the medications to be mixed and they attach that IV to my port and hang out for about an hour. I get a lot of fluids between the saline and 2 bags of medications so I will unplug and walk to the restroom 2-3 times in that visit. Other than that I chat and visit with whomever I’m with  it’s like being at a coffee shop with friends sans coffee!

Finally, I jokingly say I get deported aka have my port de accessed and off I go to enjoy the remainder of my day.

Jonathan shared before arriving that it’s very hard for him to do this and see it but afterwards he and I went for lunch at my favorite spot, Alchemy Kitchen (my favorite part of infusion days). There my once-blue haired friend Maddie works and is always generously sharing free treats from their organic menu and is full of the joy of the Lord!

Then Jonathan and I went on a bike ride and we were blessed with time together to soak in nature and the treasure of friendship and an unbeatable bond between mother and son! 

Then my hubby John and I had the privilege of heading to the YMCA for our Special Olympics Floor hockey where we are blessed by a group of angels on earth to wrap up my Tuesday!! 

A happy Tuesday indeed!!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Gratitude In Everything


Three weeks ago I was reminded that I am still being treated for stage 4 breast cancer as I had my port accessed once again at The James Cancer Center.  But ALL praise be to God because if it weren’t for that little reminder of my infusions, I wouldn’t even know I was living with this crazy diagnosis! I truly feel perfectly healthy! And Nooo, I do not take that for granted. I have too many friends and acquaintances that are really struggling physically and they’re in a similar boat as me. As for me, I continue to thank God for my miracle of feeling amazing day after day! Breathing is deep & full still. According to Dr. Sudheendra, my ribs have scar tissue but no more fractures, my lungs are the best they’ll ever be at this point as I’ve managed to overcome clogged lymph channels, my swollen lymph nodes have disappeared and who really knows if there was cancer in my liver!!! I have energy. I’m not nauseous. I have no pain. I’m continuing to live life more fully now than ever! I have so much to be grateful for!

My days are filled with only a few things and one of those is continuing to sell almost all our earthly possessions and another is getting our house ready to sell. We updated our bathrooms and a couple weeks ago I spend 14 hours power washing our driveway, sidewalks, deck and front stoop. I took a picture before finishing to show the difference it makes!!! 

I don’t know if it’s because I’m more aware of the creative beauty in the little things around me, but when I noticed this rainbow last week, it seemed especially brilliant and more rich in color than usual! It’s always a sweet reminder of God’s promises to me! 

Many know I love mountain biking. My mountain bike coach and friend, Brenda, paid it forward last summer when she fulfilled on a promise to me that if I was ever able to get back on a mountain bike after being re-diagnosed that she would drive from Wisconsin to Ohio to ride with me. She also gave my young friend, LillyMae and me the gift of a free private basic skills clinic for 2 full days. She allowed me to record her teaching us so in the future LillyMae and I could pass on those skills. Well almost one year later, here we were coaching up LillyMae’s little sister, Zoey, on her first official mountain bike ride with the big girls!! I loved being able to see the joy in her as she learned new skills and we sang through the trails our song of Gratitude!!!

There is so much to be grateful for and this year I was especially aware of the gift of freedom I have every day. In fact the BOOM BOOM of the fireworks this year caused more than just oooohs and ahhhs. I was aware of the sacrifice so many have made so that I could experience freedom. Freedom to blog openly. Freedom to say what I believe is truth. Freedom to proclaim Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Freedom to carry my pistol when I want to. Freedom to attend church. Freedom to have and read my Bible without fear for my life. Freedom to choose any doctor I want. Freedom to stand up for what I believe is right or wrong. So, yes, this year I felt more pensive around the sounds of fireworks. Thank you if you participated in me having any freedoms. 

I had a day last week where I needed to take time to be by myself and praise God and focus on Him without all the distractions. So I went to my bench and sang Gratitude by Brandon Lake, prayed and quieted my mind. I hiked a bit and breathed in the summer air!

Then I got my cup filled once again as I flew to Florida to spend time with these lovely folks. My granddaughter is 7 months old already and that means I have had the gift of time with her that I wasn’t sure I would get to enjoy. Here we were melting in the southern Florida sun at 97° with lots of humidity and yet, I could easily smile as my heart filled up as we watched a parade and saw a few fireworks!!!

But mostly this past week I got lots and lots of Saileigh cuddles and snuggles, kisses and smiles!! 

I especially took advantage of her snuggles on my last evening where I held her to sleep and let her take a full 1.5 hour nap on my chest. Doesn’t really get any better than that! 

Thanks to my thoughtful daughter, I got an adorable yellow T-shirt with my grandma name of Granita!! Little Saileigh’s outfit is rife with lemons too so we were a perfect fit of you know what a Granita is.  

And that was how the last weeks have passed for this lady. Full full full of gratitude!

I did share that I’m working on a surprise but it’s still in the works. But when it’s ready to share, I certainly will. It will fill you too with Gratitude!!!