Blog Archive

Monday, October 31, 2022

New Friend Gifts

Here is a sneak peek into the past couple days.


When you meet new friends and they share from the wealth of their garden!!! Jodie gave and gave me veggies all summer. Today was the last batch of Swiss chard!! How do I say thank you for your generosity?! ❤️

Then I had a most amazing visit from my new friend, Brenda, who is the mountain biking coach from Wisconsin (9.5 hours away) that visited me back in August. She graced me with a magical Shred sister time of sweet fellowship for only a few hours before heading back home. We enjoyed a slice of my homemade carrot cake and a sip of limoncello (which is only my second sip of alcohol since April!) And we know how to make the most out of a 10 hour visit that started at midnight!! Stay up talking wee into the early morning hours!

Here we are making plans for our next visit together in January 2023 with a winter camping trip with LillyMae joining us!!

My famous carrot cake and the sweet little zinnia from my garden! A special welcome cake for my new friend. 

Now we must practice carrying our full back packs while hiking in preparation for our upcoming January winter camp trip! So we hit the trails for a 3 mile hike. And she got to see my bench in the Pines of Patricia Allyn Park.

LillyMae is also a tree hugger!

It’s official, she has outgrown me! My absolutely  favorite 13 year old is a true lady and gem of a human. 

I’m feeling great these days! Praising God and taking nothing for granted!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Productive Saturday in the Kitchen and Yard

Officially I’m free to leave the confines of my bedroom today. I’m thankful my sinuses are clearing and I have great energy!  But since my throat is slightly scratchy, I’m still keeping my distance from people a couple more days.

I spent a couple hours of my morning continuing to read the book, By This Name, by John Cross. It’s such an incredible overview of the Bible and knits the entire message of God’s love letter to His us in a beautiful story so it all makes sense. In fact, the book can be downloaded for free here. It would be my heart’s desire if everyone took a few hours out of their lives to read this and have a better understanding of what the Bible actually says and how much God loves us!

Then this morning I made lemon poppy seed scones which we thought were delicious. I then spent the next several hours cooking to prepare meals for the week.

This afternoon I winterized my yard for 4 hours! Cut down the last zinnia (and was able to get a sweet little bouquet out of the last little ones), blew all the leaves and mowed one last time this year…actually, it just might be the last time I ever mow in my life! We plan on selling the house this Spring and moving into our WonderVan when it’s ready!! It’s happening!!

Hello you adorable last little zinnia! Thank you, Lord, for this gift!


Four hours later and dusk was upon us, but wow!! am I satisfied!! Welcome rain and snow cuz I’m ready for you now!

However, bending to pick up leaves, pulling all the hostas and zinnia, holding and blowing with the leaf blower for over an hour, and mowing just about out my back in spasms so this night deserved a Jacuzzi bath with Epsom salts!! I will admit that although it was physically challenging to do all that, I really appreciate being physically able to do it. I don’t take any of it for granted! 

Two Days Worth

My checklist was accomplished the other day. All except the virtual dinner date with my husband. Work took longer than anticipated for him so by 7 pm, I just thawed out a frozen meal and ate it. 

Highlights of my day on Thursday included a very healing call with my amazing friend Brooklyn who calmed me down in the midst of an emotional storm. That was followed by a 2 hour hike and meditation at my bench at Patricia Allyn Park. I spent significant time really just being present with my thoughts and the beauty around me again was very powerful. More later on the lessons learned in all that but for now here are recent photos of my days. 

Viewing into my Pines while sitting on my bench. The wind blowing throw the trees reminds me of being in the wilderness in Canada.

There was a Fall Beauty about seeing all these Horse Chestnuts. They were everywhere!

This ancient oak tree stopped me in my tracks. I played my Gratitude song here, raised my hands and worshipped God  with the tree!! I came to see trees differently this day. I realized that those massive branches extend out like arms reaching out to worship their Creator all the time. It was a special moment. Reminds me of the Bible verse, “Jesus responded, “Listen to me. If my followers were silenced, the very stones would break forth with praises!”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭19‬:‭40‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Angel who built me my bench, Carl, suggested I lay down in my back and look up. So for about 30 minutes, I actually laid on my bench and looked up. The perspective is so unique. Except for the birds chirping, and the wind blowing, I heard nothing. I saw a pair of yellow finches hopping from branch to branch. I only worried a little when they were on the branch directly above my head! There was something majestic about seeing those large trees sway back-and-forth with the wind slowly and rhythmically. I love the shift in perspective when you get to do things differently. It really just takes time and a willingness to see things afresh!

This photo does not do the beauty of these honeysuckle berries justice. The sun shining was glowing through the leaves and the copious amount of berries made me wish they were edible! I could have made a pie!

One of my favorite trails is a brand new one that was recently cut this year. This enormous giant sits in the middle of the trail begging you to give it a hug, which I did. I’m sure this tree is at least 200 years old. I met an older gentleman named Patrick while walking this trail. We chatted for a few minutes and he asked me if I was “the lady who sits in the Pines?” Evidently he had run into my friend Jodie who knows about my bench and they got to talking about me. Patrick admitted that before seeing me walking on this trail, he actually went up and gave this tree a hug as well. He said he was hoping I didn’t notice him giving it a big hug because I might have thought he was strange. Instead, I understood him and admitted that I did the same just minutes before.

It is as if the cloud formation on the left is pointing directly to my bench inside the Pines inviting me to come and stay for a while, which I did.

I decided to go off the trail and hike into the woods and discovered this 150+ year old tree that had been felled long ago. I hopped up on it and sat down on its stump while reflecting on how many years and what happened during this tree’s lifetime! The sun was in my eyes, I heard a woodpecker close by and I sang Same God while thanking God that I could experience this alone with Him on this peace-filled Autumn day. 

It’s currently Saturday morning and I realized that I never posted in my blog yesterday so I’ll share a little more. 

This was my sunrise view that I got to share with a SWeet friend as we caught up and enjoyed talking about the goodness of God regardless of our circumstances. 

Thanks to my favorite human, Wendy, who shared her knowledge of sourdough alchemy, I am back to making another delicious loaf of bread. This boule was baked early Friday morning. 

Christmas shopping is not on my list of things I’ll have time to do this year, so for my few peeps that I’ll be giving gifts to, this year will be a very special homemade blend of an immune tea in honor of my grand daughter, soon to be brought into this world! I even found pink glass mason jars in her honor.

Ended my day with a nice bubbly soak, while reading a book gifted to me from my dear cousin, Bruce Parmenter. Ironically it’s titled: BEYOND DEATH-What the Bible Says About the Hereafter by Russell E Boatman. It’s heady but spiritually stimulating and stretches me to think and research. 

Thank you all for the gift of time. Thank you for any prayer you say on my behalf. Thank you for being along on my journey and for taking a seat in the front row of seeing what God is doing in one girl’s story. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

COVID Days Wrapping Up

Mostly I’ve been hanging out in my bedroom, continuing the sipping of my Debbie’s Tea, (that’s my former sister in law, Debbie K, who made this for me last time I saw her when she shared her recipe of sliced fresh lemon, fresh ginger root and honey steeped in hot water!), using Xlear saline often, soaking in my Eucalyptus Spruce scented Epsom salt tub, talking to family and friends, reading Scripture, watching more Netflix then should be legal, and napping. That’s been my life since Monday! 

Yesterday I received a text from a dear friend in the dental community whose husband is very ill physically with cancer and I broke down in tears of sadness for her upcoming loss.  Here was her text:

“Good morning. I wanted to let you know that we are meeting w/ Hospice this afternoon & likely will start comfort care with them as a result. Last several days have been very difficult. David is sleeping large blocks of time due to so much fatigue. And he is not communicating very much. Thankfully, he is not in significant pain. God is sustaining us day by day & we completely trust His plan- even though we don’t understand the difficulty of these past 6 months. Truly, we are living in moments that define our faith❤️ Thank you for faithful prayers Tricia! Could not do this alone as you know. Praying over you too💕”

This really affected me yesterday. Although David’s cancer is different than mine, we were both rediagnosed this past April.  I just needed to surrender all to Christ. There is nothing else. 

Last night I decided I physically needed to get out and move my body, so I went outside and walked at Patricia Allyn Park! While I was there it was damp, cloudy, chilly and something about it was simply beautiful! Actually, everything seemed more beautiful than usual. A dead tree trunk with missing bark was beautiful, leafless Sycamore trees silhouetted against a cloudy sky were especially beautiful, a broken limb entangled in a vine and suspended in the air was beautiful, of course yellow leaves and the pink sunset was stunning too. I paused as I walked and took it all in and I said out loud, “It’s all so beautiful, Lord!” I noticed a tree that was being strangled by bittersweet vine and even that was meaningful and beautiful. Even in death and invasion of noxious weeds, in the changing of seasons and in the day where the veil of life and death when the strands of our life’s tapestry is worn so thin we can scantily see through it, even there was so much beauty. 

I love how my Heavenly Father ministers to my heart whether I’m scared, angry, peaceful, anxious, uncertain, prideful, ignorant, satisfied, overwhelmed or just regular. He gets me! And He always meets me where I am. 

Today I woke up and decided I needed a short plan for the day. 

1. Get dressed (I’ve been in pjs 99% of the time)

2. Take supplements (Asea, Vit. D, & Melatonin)

3. Read Scripture (started in Matthew today) and reading a complimentary book called Messiah’s Star written by one of my former patients.

4. Do my Tricia 🧘🏻‍♀️ yoga-chi (my own version of stretching, breathing deeply and exercise, made up as I go by yours truly)

5. Eat healthy, including a square or two of Hu dark chocolate and drink lots of fluids

6.  Soak in tub with detoxifying Epsom salts

7. Pray

8. Do book study on By This Name 

9. Listen to worship and meditation music. My friend Shelley shared this with me today! Same God 

10. Have dinner date with husband (it will be virtual via FaceTime)

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


After reading my last post when I stated that my legs were fatigued as John and I rode our bikes through the trails, I now know why…it was the beginning of COVID. Later that night I had a scratchy throat, too. Nobody in Colorado that I had just been with had COVID, but I wanted to check and make sure that I didn’t have it myself. I did take a test Sunday evening and it was negative so I was relieved! 

Then I woke up Monday morning as if a freight train had collided with my body. Mostly my symptoms were massive head congestion, bodyaches and weakness, and a sore throat. It felt like your typical nasty head cold!

However, I remember my oncologist informing me how dangerous it could be for me to come in contact with COVID-19 because of the health of my lungs. Therefore, I placed a call to her in order to let her know what was going on. She did ask me to take a second test along with a strep test and flu test. Because I was supposed to have an infusion this coming up Friday, they want to make sure I am physically strong enough to receive the drugs. And there it was plain as day… Two purple stripes on two tests indicating that I was positive for COVID-19! (I took a second one just to confirm considering not even 24 hours earlier it was negative!)

I have been locked up in my bedroom for a full 24 hours which feels like three days at this point! Fortunately I nap often, and I have started and finished binge watching Empress on Netflix! I am thankful that this morning when I woke up, my sore throat was gone and the achiness in my legs was also gone. Mostly it’s just head congestion I’m dealing with! Thankfully it doesn’t feel like it’s gone to my lungs… Nor will it! I am also very grateful that when I do sneeze, I don’t drop to my knees from rib pain! Back in April, that was a different scenario.

As for now, I am continuing to do my book study with a dear friend through video chatting, sipping lemon ginger honey tea, and drinking carrot lemon juice. If anyone has suggestions on audiobooks or movies that are worthwhile, please don’t hesitate to send me a private note!

Being confined to one’s bedroom makes for a rather uneventful blog so these next day’s may be sparse.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

WonderBinder Finale

Another glorious October weekend with these fine folks! John and I have been camping with the Binders for several years now and this year it looked a little different with more and more Binder babies!!

This year the girls and I went for our first mountain bike ride together while the boys were on kid care duty! What a treat to have 30 minutes of just us big girl time! 

I’m thankful that we got to hike, bike and sit around a camp fire for two days with these young adults who are like our own tribe! We had the most beautiful weather for it too! Before they showed up John and I went for a ride! 

Then this morning while the big boys went for a ride, I took this little ride for a hike and played in the creek. 

Uncles are the best!!

Papa John sharing a caramel apple with the hungry hippos!

Today, Sunday, I’ve counted my physical activity from the weekend and wondered why my legs feel like jelly! I’ve been on 2 hikes and 4 bike rides since Friday evening…and yes, I’m over joyed to physically be capable of doing this. Also my brain, heart and spirit are in a better place than last week so thank you all for praying for me! 

Friday, October 21, 2022

WonderBinder Begins

I didn’t blog yesterday and will make today’s brief too. Plus I’m camping for the weekend in an area with limited cell service so the sooner I hit ‘send’, the better.

The highlight of my day yesterday was lunch with a very special friend, Karen. She and I walked through our breast cancer journey together in 2016-2017 and share a very special bond. 

Then today I drive up to Columbus to meet with my radiation oncologist to discuss the recent tenderness in my ribs. She didn’t think the ribs warranted treatment at this point and she encouraged me to continue with my active lifestyle of mountain biking and hiking! She did show me the images comparing the CT scans from May to October and there aren’t big changes but still multiple fractures and cancerous lesions.


I’m still struggling emotionally with some of that grieving process I shared about a couple days ago and today I actually feel a little depressed! So what does one do when living in Ohio, you head to Graeter’s Ice Cream and get a black raspberry chip sundae!! Don’t judge me! 

Tonight starts our annual WonderBinder camping weekend and we are at John Bryan State Park where the maples are barely holding on to their beautiful color, the campfires are glowing and the night sky is full of stars! Thankful my favorite trails are a 2 minute ride from our camp site. Tomorrow the Binder families will arrive but for tonight John and I have a quiet little fire going!

Fall colors for one more weekend!!

Thankful to be able to ride at sunset!

Relaxing and start gazing begins!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Ohio Bound

Colorado is really, REALLY beautiful and yet it’s not home. 

I was up early yesterday morning, enjoyed my avocado toast &chocolate mint tea, then packed bags & I was ready to go home. 

Good byes to these dear friends and I was thankful we could simply do regular life together for a week. 

While in Colorado I had some heavier hearted blogs so I’ll lighten it up a bit. I discovered a new favorite salad while there. Here’s the recipe I thought I’d share. Anyone who knows me knows I love lemon anything and everything!! Of course I will make this Lemony White Bean & Arugula Salad with organic food if possible. Plus we exchanged the cannelloni beans for great northern white beans and it was just as yummy!! 

My flight was easy and John picked me up in Cincinnati. We had a busy evening. 

Visited his friend, Todd, whose wife recently died very suddenly. He has a Tibetan monk as a guest this week who is a friend of his that he wanted us to meet. Evidently this monk personally knows the Dalai Lama and we got to chat with him for about 30 minutes. It was fascinating to be able to share that John and I were close to his area in 2014 when we visited China but I was also very aware that we as humans tend to easily venerate other men to a point of idolatry even when having an appearance of innocent intention. I was pleased to have met him yet I wondered how Jesus would have responded to one man calling another man, His Holiness?  To whom is this man praying? I don’t know and we didn’t go there to question him, yet in my mind I did ponder these things as this monk shared about how he personally has something like 3000+ online students and they had a 3 hour class on the mantra of 6 sounds when meditating. It was truly interesting to hear him speak and made me ponder its truth when compared to the Bible’s teachings on God’s Commandments. Yet he teaches on wisdom and compassion too. I saw first hand the syncretism that I’ve been studying about in the book I’ve been reading, By This Name.  

After that short introduction we were off. We then had to meet up with a group of hockey players in Dayton to send off an acquaintance of John’s whose being stationed in England next week. 

I was thankful to have had so many social gatherings but honestly it was sweet to finally get home and see that John picked me a vase of my last zinnia before the frost!

I drew a hot bath, soaked in my new favorite Epsom salts with Peppermint Rosemary scent and realized how destroyed the skin on my feet are from chemo!!! This is after an hour long soak and a pumice scrub!! Thankfully it’s not painful despite the severe cracking. 

I’m about to start my busy  day before we pack up to go camping this weekend. 

I’m very appreciative today for the extraordinary beauty around me this Fall, a loving faithful husband to come home to, family and friends who support me, but mostly I’m indebted to my Savior, Jesus, who gave everything to know me and reveal Himself to us all so I could know Him and be comforted in my current situation. I believe that only in Him do I have peace with the one and only holiness named YHWH, my God.