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Thursday, October 27, 2022

COVID Days Wrapping Up

Mostly I’ve been hanging out in my bedroom, continuing the sipping of my Debbie’s Tea, (that’s my former sister in law, Debbie K, who made this for me last time I saw her when she shared her recipe of sliced fresh lemon, fresh ginger root and honey steeped in hot water!), using Xlear saline often, soaking in my Eucalyptus Spruce scented Epsom salt tub, talking to family and friends, reading Scripture, watching more Netflix then should be legal, and napping. That’s been my life since Monday! 

Yesterday I received a text from a dear friend in the dental community whose husband is very ill physically with cancer and I broke down in tears of sadness for her upcoming loss.  Here was her text:

“Good morning. I wanted to let you know that we are meeting w/ Hospice this afternoon & likely will start comfort care with them as a result. Last several days have been very difficult. David is sleeping large blocks of time due to so much fatigue. And he is not communicating very much. Thankfully, he is not in significant pain. God is sustaining us day by day & we completely trust His plan- even though we don’t understand the difficulty of these past 6 months. Truly, we are living in moments that define our faith❤️ Thank you for faithful prayers Tricia! Could not do this alone as you know. Praying over you too💕”

This really affected me yesterday. Although David’s cancer is different than mine, we were both rediagnosed this past April.  I just needed to surrender all to Christ. There is nothing else. 

Last night I decided I physically needed to get out and move my body, so I went outside and walked at Patricia Allyn Park! While I was there it was damp, cloudy, chilly and something about it was simply beautiful! Actually, everything seemed more beautiful than usual. A dead tree trunk with missing bark was beautiful, leafless Sycamore trees silhouetted against a cloudy sky were especially beautiful, a broken limb entangled in a vine and suspended in the air was beautiful, of course yellow leaves and the pink sunset was stunning too. I paused as I walked and took it all in and I said out loud, “It’s all so beautiful, Lord!” I noticed a tree that was being strangled by bittersweet vine and even that was meaningful and beautiful. Even in death and invasion of noxious weeds, in the changing of seasons and in the day where the veil of life and death when the strands of our life’s tapestry is worn so thin we can scantily see through it, even there was so much beauty. 

I love how my Heavenly Father ministers to my heart whether I’m scared, angry, peaceful, anxious, uncertain, prideful, ignorant, satisfied, overwhelmed or just regular. He gets me! And He always meets me where I am. 

Today I woke up and decided I needed a short plan for the day. 

1. Get dressed (I’ve been in pjs 99% of the time)

2. Take supplements (Asea, Vit. D, & Melatonin)

3. Read Scripture (started in Matthew today) and reading a complimentary book called Messiah’s Star written by one of my former patients.

4. Do my Tricia 🧘🏻‍♀️ yoga-chi (my own version of stretching, breathing deeply and exercise, made up as I go by yours truly)

5. Eat healthy, including a square or two of Hu dark chocolate and drink lots of fluids

6.  Soak in tub with detoxifying Epsom salts

7. Pray

8. Do book study on By This Name 

9. Listen to worship and meditation music. My friend Shelley shared this with me today! Same God 

10. Have dinner date with husband (it will be virtual via FaceTime)

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