Blog Archive

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sept. 29, 2016 Today I Celebrate Life At 50

Without cancer I would not be writing this entry, or this blog for that matter! I would actually be spending my last night in the wilderness after 2 weeks in Quetico, Canada with the sweetest, kindest, and most tender, romantic husband I could dream of! I turned 50 today and my wish was to spend it there in the Magic of Quetico, but life threw me other plans and so we punted!

I woke up to the soft voice of Zoey Pieniazek telling me she was hungry! Zoey had her first sleep over with us aka Papa John and 'Baby Pea", as I am quirkily called by the  Pieniazek kids. At 4 years old, she sagely told me that when she was 3, she thought being 4 sounded old, but then once she got there, it felt normal, so she really understood me when I told her that being 50 sounded old when I was younger, but today it feels normal!  Then  Liz and the other kids showed up for birthday breakfast that John made us! Then he surprised me with paddling and chocolates and waterfalls, and loon songs while paddling just to try and make it like Quetico! When we got home, my co-workers showed up and surprised me with pumpkin cheesecake and flowers and cards! What a blessing! Then my  mom and dad got me a gift card to Dorothy Lane Market so John could get me some special treats. I said I would like a movie and dinner, so we went to see Sully, and on Saturday or Sunday I will get my favorite meal with my favorite man !

I am so blessed and thankful for being alive! Thankfully, too, my hands and feet are still intact! I can honestly say I have pretty tender feet but they are not peeling from the new medication yet, so keep on praying. They do look 'plastic-y', which could be the beginning of tissue changes, but until they peel, I count it a blessing every day!

Thank you to all my family, friends, and loved ones that acknowledged me today! I truly feel loved and blessed beyond measure! 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Day September 26, 2016 Chemo Day With Katie and Abraxane

I have had a week off of chemo due to Hand and Foot Syndrome and Dr. Cody changed my medication to Abraxane. Evidently it is a synthetic version of Taxol, but is made with an albumin protein. Also, he informed me that I can still have the same side effect of peeling from Abraxane, but it's a wait and see kind of thing. Doctors don't know if the Hand and Foot Syndrome is specifically from the drug (in which case, I would likely react the same way) or if it is from a detergent used in the Taxol (in which case, I would likely NOT react the same.) I am hoping and praying that this will not cause more peeling for several reasons. I don't have any layers left to lose on my feet before it could be painful and if it continues, it will definitely start on my hands. Dr. Cody said that even getting dressed becomes challenging if that happens. But also, and mostly because the next drug of choice they would try after Abraxane is one called Taxotere. This drug will have similar side effects as the first round of Adriamycin and Cytoxan which was awful and disgusting and I really, REALLY don't want to go through that again. It also is given in a dose dense amount every three weeks, which would probably change the timing of when I thought I would be done. Ugh...

Because my feet are better but still not totally healed and I still have some peeling, Dr. Cody decided it was best to give me the Abraxane but at a lesser dose. He wants to keep my body treated to continue fighting the cancer and is hoping that a smaller amount might be easier to take.

If anyone wants to know how I would like them to pray...please pray that the Abraxane would work like a charm and I'd have no peeling issues from it.

Katie Powers deserves kudos today. This young lady works as a nurse and this weekend she worked 12 hours shifts, then today, her day off, she drove an hour to pick me up, just to drive half way home again to escort me to my appointment, and then back to Springboro and hauled it an hour home to Cincinnati again! That's 3 hours of driving for a 3 hour appointment! That's sacrifice, and a heart of service, and friendship, and I am very grateful! I am still in awe of how God works in so many people's hearts as they pray for me and give of their time and resources to express that they care about me. Thank each and every one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day Sept. 21, 2016 Getting Fat, Bald, Grey and Sleepless

So my feet are continuing to lose layers of skin even more, but thankfully, no pain and I'm still walking on intact skin but my left foot is really bubbling up and beginning to peel off entirely on the heel and now on the ball of my foot. Still hoping it will stop at this layer. I read that keeping out of the sun, keeping it moisturized, and not allow my feet to have friction like 'much walking' is best. So yesterday I was that bald lady at the grocery store in the motorized cart! The turning radius on those little carts is pretty tight! Great job grocery cart engineer!

Today I had a lunch date with my hubby in our woods, It was quiet and green and beautiful. I love that man and those woods. It's magical there! Won't be long and we will have our Frozen Butt Hangs aka hammock camping in our woods in the winter!

Every time I go to the oncologist's office I seem to gain a few ounces or even a pound so I'm back to behaving myself. I realized that I got lazy and let myself eat more sugar, grain, dairy, and yes, alcohol than I wanted. So, no more alcohol at all! Very little grain and sugar and I'm ok with dairy. I don't have any digestive issues with eating anything other than my waistline increasing in girth!

Yesterday and today I actually worked! Dr. Henize asked me to help him with a project that I could do from home, so I have put in 10 hours in the last 2 days! Granted, it's not hygiene pay, but it's something and I'm grateful. One aspect of this project was to Skype with potential employees as I conducted interviews. I thought it might be best to don my cranial prosthesis so nobody freaked out seeing a bald lady interviewing them. It was fine until my first hot flash hit. I tried everything I could to not whip that wig off my bald head and let some cooler air in! I've discovered that wearing the wig might come in handy in the winter but for now I typically prefer bald or turbans still. Oh, and when the peach fuzz hairs on my head do start growing in after a couple days, they are ALL WHITE! Hmmm, since I refuse to color my hair ever again, it will be interesting to see how my hair does come in after chemo. I might give Lynne Albrecht a run for her money! And while I'm pontificating about my eyebrows are almost totally gone now. I'm drawing them in with a pencil most days. Eyelashes are all but gone too. I tried putting on mascara yesterday and landed on my eyelid!

 I find myself waking again around midnight and feeling wide awake and I have not even had steroids this week. Not sure what that is all about. Thankfully, I do fall asleep......pause for hot flash break! Need cold water....

Ok, I'm I was saying, I do fall asleep relatively fast with my new down pillows from my friend, Wendy! If you ever wanted the softest down pillows, go to and check out their Ultimate down pillows! It's like I'm in heaven!

Haven't listened to my books or read Scripture lately. I would like to do that. I was more mindful of God in my life when I read...even if it's Psalms. Why am I so slothful with that? Maybe tonight John and I will read together. He is always so good about that when I ask.

Lastly, just a note that right now if I did not have cancer, I would be in Quetico, Canada on our annual wilderness camping trip. Every morning and evening I say to John, "Where would we be right now? Ahhh, camping at Rebecca Falls, or paddling up the Sioban River!" Then I discuss the specifics of what we might have done all day and how many smallmouth bass I might have caught and how I would have seen bald eagles and maybe a moose! Oh, how I miss thee, Quetico! John sweetly just whispers in a consoling way

, "Next year..."

Monday, September 19, 2016

Day September 19, 2016 Bad News For My Feet; Good News For My Cancer Treatment

This morning I showed up at my oncologist's office, courtesy of Amanda Beyer, whom graciously drove me while Danny watched their baby! We were prepped for hours of sitting in the Chemo salon, but plans changed when the Nurse Practioner and then Dr. Cody took one look at my feet! I have grade 3  hand and foot syndrome that can happen with Taxol and if one more layer of tissue peels off , I'm at great risk for infection. Immediately, they decided that I was A. Not getting more chemo today and B. Changing drugs to Abraxane!

The great news with that is that it is supposed to be a better drug for treating breast cancer, yet it's not the first line of treatment because insurance companies won't pay for it unless a person has major issues with the Taxol. So, lucky for me, my feet continued to peel and now I will be getting the better drug! Thankfully, my feet don't hurt, but just are peeling like crazy and I'm a little tender-footed. Dr. Cody did say that the peeling may continue for a while as the Taxol gets out of my system, so I need to keep them lubed with moisturizer without fragrances. Hopefully, my Whipped Neem Balm can be made sans lavender oil. Thanks to Ann Post with, I'm getting mine sent to me as a gift for free! This has kept the skin soft and comfy.

That's the way God answered my hope of getting the better drug! I'm good with it!  So now, on to Columbus, OH to visit with my daughter.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day September 18, 2016 Feet Falling Off And A Week In Illinois

So it's been a week since I blogged. Since my last post, I had another dose of Taxol and when the doctor saw my peeling feet, there was great concern.  Evidently feet aren't supposed to do that and I was informed that if it's worse next time they may switch my chemo meds. Thankfully, there isn't pain associated with the peeling, but if one more layer decides to slough off, I will be in raw tissue and it will be quite painful. Right now I will say my feet are a bit tender to stand on or walk much, but it's totally tolerable.

I did spend the week in Northern Illinois visiting my family and friends. On Monday night I got to see my favorite Belarussians! Yulia Kavalerchik is always a dear friend who makes me my favorite salad, always feeds me (even if I'm not hungry!), always stays up into the wee hours of the night talking, and always reminds me that I am welcome at a moment's notice even if we haven't spoken for months! I love how our friendship just can pick up where we left off even if it's a month or a year! And, special thanks to her handsome son, David, who hung out with us old ladies all evening. I felt quite special!

The week went fast, but I did get to milk goats, hang out in my friend's garden, harvest grapes and make juice for jelly. I drank fresh goat milk daily and had more vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and supper this past week than in a while!  I also drove to Milwaukee, Wi and Rockford, Il to visit sisters and my parents! The week was relaxing and filled with love.

I started listening to Abba's Child by Brennan Manning...another 'must read' for my friends that have never read it! Oh how wonderful it is to hear how this author uses words so precisely in describing how we all need to see ourselves. Thankfully, it's also free on Hoopla (free audio library books).

This week I received gifts from some loving friends. Wendy graciously bought me goose down pillows just because I mentioned how much I loved hers on her guest bed! Next thing I know, I own ones just like it. Man, it's the softest, most luxurious pillow I've ever put my head on!

Then today was very special. I decided that since it was Fall Kick-off at Red Door, our Cincinnati church, I would attend. It's been over 3 months since I went to church and I can't believe the warm, loving and welcoming hugs I got from so many dear friends. I really love that body of believers! It's like home to me. Worship was so sweet. I realize now just how much I miss worshiping with my Red Door family. This was a treat for me. I probably won't make a habit of it for my health's sake, but today was just good for my soul.

Now I don't know how often I'll be blogging, as I don't really have much 'cancer news' to report. Probably next week I'll post again unless something crazy happens.

For now I just keep slathering my feet with the most amazing Whipped Neem Balm from Ann Post. She is the sweet mom of my son, Jon's, highschool friend, Nate, who read my blog and randomly sent me her home-made soaps and the most moisturizing balm for 'what ails me'. I had been rubbing it on my bald head after shaving my head every other day just to keep my skin soft, but last week, I found a true NEED for it with my peeling feet. If you want to check it out, go to her website: Again, God has abundantly showered me with loving people and their generosity! Thank you, Ann!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Day Sept. 10, 2016 New Side Effects, But No Complaints...Yet

So, I continually am amazed at the ease I am having so far with Taxol. How I have been feeling is nothing short of excellent! However, I did notice yesterday that the bottoms of my feet, especially my heels, look like a 90 year olds with cracking, peeling layers of skin! It almost looked like gross Athlete's Foot, but I'm no athlete! So, I went to the fastest doctor I know and called Dr. Google!  There it was! Taxol CAN cause peeling skin on hands and feet. So the hygienist in me went a little crazy and began picking and peeling it off until I got to the tender edge where the attached skin and the detached skin met...not such an easy goodbye! I'll be asking Dr. Cody about that on Monday. I have not yet felt any neuropathy, but I am thinking it might start according to some reports from previous users.

But other than that one little thing, all else is peachy. I'll end there as I would rather join my hubs in our Jacuzzi and watch a Netflix flick! We have a busy day tomorrow as we are playing in our woods again. Started to today, but got rained out. We are being adventurous and hanging his deer stand on another tree. Then a couple friends will be coming over to celebrate John's 52nd birthday.

If I still feel this stable, I plan on visiting a friend in Northern Illinois next week. She is a nurse in oncology, so if anything happens, I'm in good hands. She also has an organic goat farm and I think we will be harvesting fruits and veggies and canning them in lots of Mason jars.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day Sept. 6, 2016 Chemo Day, Kind People, and 2 Dreams

I'm sitting at my desk right now having a hot flash as I type. My scalp is sweating, my boobs are sweating, my neck is clammy and I want to just stick my head in the freezer. But that little side effect is truly tolerable now that I have something to compare it to. As I said in the past, the first round of chemo drugs were brutal, ugly, tiresome, and consuming. These past weeks with just Taxol is much easier to tolerate. In fact, I almost don't feel like I'm on chemo other than the hot flashes. Of course, I had those little sweaty moments before all this, but I have been told that the chemo will throw me into menopause permanently. So here I sit, sweating...and thankful. I know it will go away.

Today my chemo went really well again! Andrea Moorehead brought me again. I listened to my John Denver Pandora station and she studied for a CEU, I shared my organic apple with brie cheese, sipped my Perrier water with lemon, and the hours passed with no discomfort. Yeah!! I did mention to Dr. Cody that the steroids really keep me buzzed for a couple days and I have a hard time sleeping the first night, so he lowered the dose of it from 10 to 4 (some unit like gr or mg...not sure which). And literally, when I got home, I collapsed in my bed, fell asleep and conked out for 2 hours! I will see how this will affect my night. He says the steroids help with the effectiveness of the anti-nausea meds.

Today I have heard from a dear old friend, Tiffany Navey. She and I worked together for years until she decided to have a baseball team of baby boys. I have continued receiving cards and texts from my patients every week! I feel so loved. Thanks to those who care, pray, bring meals, offer to drive me to chemo and reach out in big and small ways!  A random neighbor I've never even met before stopped me today as I was in my driveway and said she is a breast cancer survivor and we talked about her treatment and she offered to be there for me anytime I want to talk. It amazes me that strangers and acquaintances can  be  so concerned, attentive, and genuinely willing to 'be there' for me . I love it how God puts folks in my path and directs my steps, and provides all I need.

I had a dream when I was sleeping a bit ago. I was with a group of people who wanted to pray with me and John. I remember that I closed my eyes, raised my hands and was immediately worshiping God, wishing I was present with Him. The people faded and I was caught up in the spirit praising Him. I wanted to be in the spirit world, not the physical world. I wanted to see Him, to be in my eternal  self and I was filled with joy in the thought of this. Thank you, Dr. Mary Neal, for the gift of this awareness. If anyone has not yet listened to her story, please do so. It rocked my world, changed my life, and I am eternally thankful.

Lastly, I was talking to John yesterday and sort of mourning the fact that my 50th birthday is coming up and I so dreamed of being deep in Quetico, Canada in the wilderness with him, but Dr. Cody nixed that months ago. He is right in doing so. If anything happened I could be 1-3 days from getting proper medical attention and the wilderness is too risky and my immune system is too vulnerable. Then I had a potential brainstorm! What if we drove to a pretty place in the US and hiked Andy paddled but did not  do it in a wilderness setting? That would be a dream come true! We discussed potential places and came up with a beautiful place in Michigan that we can drive to. I'm looking into it. I still might need to camp for financial reasons, but that's my personal preference anyway! Has anyone ever been to Pictured Rock National Park? If you have, please share what you would do, where you would stay, sights you would not miss and trails to hike. I know it's  got potential, but I am being practical too. Maybe my 50th  could be  special after all!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day September 5, 2016 Thankful for So Much, Even Cancer

I have come to realize that this whole cancer debacle has changed my life for the better in many ways! I have a whole new appreciation and tenderness towards others with a disease. I appreciate the little things in life, the simple things and don't take them for granted.

Today John took me to one of my happy places, kayaking! We went to a relatively unknown, small lake near Germantown, OH called Rush Run. He paddled me in our tandem kayak, circled around trees that still stood in the flooded waters, played John Denver Pandora station vs singing (a good thing :), and we picnic-ed at the shoreline in the shade as we listened to crickets chirping and the blue sky illuminated with great sunshine! I am so blessed to be alive!

I love nature and am thankful for each day in it. Last night we took my daughter, Sarah, to Cox Arboretum and walked through edible gardens, watched turtles and koi in ponds, and strolled through a butterfly garden, then climbed a magnificent wooden tower that overlooks for 20 miles in every direction! The sun was setting as we strolled past the succulents and we chuckled as Sarah snapped dozens of photos to add to her 20,ooo pictures already stored on her phone!

Cancer has taught me to slow down, look at the beauty of plants, places, and people. It has taught me to appreciate right where I am. It has reminded me to choose wisely the things I do and the people I spend my time with, the activities I partake in, the attitude I chose to have, and mostly the use of my time. God only grants us so much time, then we are done here. Not a soul knows how long they will tarry on here, so I want to love God richly, love people more willingly, and love my life, however it feels, because...I have today.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Day Sept. 2, 2016 All Good Still

So yesterday I hit a record!  I walked 3 miles in my neighborhood and it felt great! The beautiful 70 degree sunny days helps and now that I am feeling great, I'm looking for productive things to do that does not overwhelm me.

So this week, I organized my pantry and kitchen cabinets and started the prep to paint the kitchen. I have had the joy of some visiting friends and am looking forward to a weekend with my sweet, kind, loving husband and a visit with my daughter, Sarah.

I'm still listening to The Ragamuffin Gospel on audiobook and am finding it very, very good. It's definitely a recommended read.  It's been a thing of wonder to continue to see how God is not only taking care of me but my friend, Liz. Literally, God just is pouring out His gifts on us and we are humbled and amazed at His provision.

Thankfully, I have my next 3 chemotherapy appointments arranged for transportation. Thanks to Andrea, Amanda, and ladies have made my next month worry free and I trust I'll be in excellent hands.