Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Thriving Everywhere


This blog entry will begin with the most recent and exciting news! I continue to thrive in the way I am responding to all my cancer medications… Herceptin and Perjeta. Truly, I’m so grateful for that! Every time I walk out of the oncology infusion center, I am flooded with gratitude, and today was no exception. I got to ring my Gratitude Bell once again at the Stephanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Cancer Center in Columbus, Ohio. And yet, there were people all around me, and in rooms right next to me that were suffering and not feeling well at all! I was asked as I rang it what I was Grateful for and today I stated that it was because I continue to feel so amazing despite the diagnosis! I have so much to be grateful for! 

I have been able to get out and hike several times in the last three weeks and in this photo I am taking a break at Patricia Allyn Park, where my sweet little bench is tucked into the woods. Here I am praying for my friend Carl who is the giver of my bench gift who lost his 94 year old mother last week. He was grateful to have had that many years with her. It reminds me of one of my cousins who also went home to be with Jesus last week. Sally was a feisty 98 year old and I’m hoping those genes for longevity are in my cards too as I fight for my health. 

These two photos represent one of my favorite days of the year… The first snowfall of every winter. I’m so grateful it was on a weekend and our friend Trace was able to join us for a glorious hike at Clifton Gorge near Yellow Springs, Ohio. This is where the origin of the Little Miami River starts and it’s cut into the rock with beautiful, flowing waterfalls along the path. As I hiked, I recall breathing in the crisp, winter air, and just closing my eyes, while smiling and thanking God for being able to experience yet another snowfall. I just love the childlike excitement I get when I wake up and see snow on the ground!

For the last seven weeks, I have made radical changes in the way I am eating, and I am thriving and feeling amazing! This is just a little sample of a typical dinner and some food prep for the week. Also, thanks to my friend Monica, I am able to say I have made my first lentil loaf and quite enjoyed it! I continue to read scientific studies, listen to medical doctors and nutritionists as I learn the benefits of a whole food plant-based diet! I’m having quite a bit of fun with it and so glad I came across something and I am 100% convinced that it can only benefit my body’s ability to heal. I’m also very grateful that my husband, John, is choosing to join me on this journey of eating healthier…although he may not be quite so hardcore as I have chosen to be. Stopping all processed food, eliminating refined sugar, minimizing animal protein to two times per week, and having no alcohol is certainly no small endeavor especially if it has been one’s norm. That’s what he says he’ll be doing so we shall see. But for me, I’m not having any animal products, not even venison or wild caught fish, which seems to be difficult for many.

Inviting you to experience part of a sweet hiking moment, I had last week where I went by myself and got to sit next to this beautiful sounding river on a very chilly winter morning. Honestly, going by myself, was a little scary, as I typically don’t ever do that, but I talked to God about it, and as I focused on talking to Him and less on my fear, I noticed that I was comforted and the next thing I knew, I came to this spot where I could sit down and listen to the water bubbling over the rocks. Before I knew it… All my fear was gone!  God reminded me that if I keep my mind focused on Him, no matter what happens in life, I can hold on to that and I don’t need to be afraid.

Next… The Wonder Man building out the WonderVan! Yes, it is taking way more time than we expected, but what construction doesn’t? However, my extremely talented husband is thriving and making great strides in building out our camper van which will soon become our only home. He is meticulously working on the cabinetry which is made with such precision that any fine furniture or cabinet maker would be impressed by his ideas, raw talent & skills! I am so blessed to be the recipient of such incredible craftsmanship. I am so grateful!
Yes, people have asked, “When will the van be done?“ 
Well what I can say is that it will be done… When it is done!  Thankfully I am feeling so well that I’m convinced I will have many years, if not decades, to enjoy it even if it takes 6 more months! 

And finally, it’s 2024 and it’s a new year! What are my resolutions? Like many of us, I don’t really like to make resolutions because we often dismiss them within a short period of time. However, I would say I have set one goal that came to me at the end of 2023. 

The more I learn about longevity and incredible healing our own bodies can make if we just treat them right, the more I am convinced that my own healing in the past year has taught me the sacredness of cherishing opportunities to share Christ with others, also it’s been a wake up call to make better choices of what food and drink I put in my mouth and how I equip my body to heal itself. 

My new goal for 2024 and beyond is to be the longest living person with stage four metastatic breast cancer! I want to be someone who is still mountain biking at the age of 75, hiking at the age of 85, and thriving at the age of 105! It’s never too late to start today. 

Spiritual healthiness and a thriving relationship with God is critical … having healthy boundaries and saying no to people and situations that create undue stress is paramount! Attitude, and a heart of gratitude is essential… Choices of how I treat my body affects me physiologically and contributes to my thriving! All of these things I am holding as sacred and keeping myself responsible and I am treating myself the best I know how. No more excuses!  I’ve got at least 45 more years in me! 

PS Someone asked me about my Gratitude Bell and if Brandon Lake ever responded to me regarding the one I sent him…not yet! But I’m still hopeful that somehow, some way, he will receive it and read about my vision to get them in every infusion center out there and I hope he can help promote that so that every single cancer center gets one or ten!!! If anyone knows how to reach him, please feel free to ask about it.