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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Every Day There Are Miracles

I’m going to be raw and real in sharing that last night I struggled. I was sad. I cried. I told God that I really didn’t want this journey. It just doesn’t feel like it’s real until I take a deep breath or the pain in my ribs feels like a knife. I had a couple coughing fits that sent me to my knees & grasping my chest to hold my ribs from the force of coughing. I woke up in the middle of the night violently coughing again then again this morning. Then I remembered how thankful I am to have Jesus. How do people go through dark and hard times without knowing Jesus? Brooklyn read me a psalm then we went to the sweetest little coffee shop called Bell Tower again where I soaked in the sunshine and drank tea which I consider a huge win!

Today is my last day to enjoy time with Brooklyn here in Memphis since she leaves early in the morning. I’ve said John couldn’t have handled it all this past week if I wasn’t here with him and I couldn’t have handled it if Brooklyn wasn’t here with me. The gift of her flying here, leaving her family and tending to me so lovingly was yet another miracle to thank God for. 
I’m thankful I can make my diet a priority and feed it organically right now. It took some coaching, but Brooklyn cheered me on as I chugged down a rather gritty beet juice again today. 
However the HIGHLIGHT of my day so far was this gift. 

We had a 70 degree day and Brooklyn found a park she wanted to show me. We noticed a paved trail through the woods as we pulled in and I happened to have 2 Mountain bikes in the back of our van for my hubby and a friend to ride in Bentonville starting tomorrow. I felt inspired and said, "Want to do something crazy?! Come on!! Let's do it!”  So we took the bikes and rode an easy trail & it made me cry with joy to know I could be on a mountain bike again. It was literally all slightly downhill and paved so I didn't have to exert a lot of energy so I didn't get winded!! Miracle upon miracles !! 

I’ll leave you all with this song. Million Little Miracles

Friday, April 29, 2022

Out on the Town

Today I’m thankful to have had the energy to do something outdoors and fun with my dear, dear friend Brooklyn. We hit the town starting at a lovely coffee shop.

We then slowly walked around Memphis and had lunch at Rendezvous BBQ (she had brisket; I brought my organic celery and unsalted peanut butter and organic fresh raspberries!) One might think I’m missing out by not eating at that delicious Southern BBQ but I don’t. Shoot… I’m just praying that my cells will miraculously heal with what I feed them and that is an easy sacrifice to make. 

I did hear from my oncologist today letting me know that some of the biopsy results are in but that they are still waiting for more results. So far the tests are confirming metastatic breast cancer. 

B Time

 It’s early Friday morning and I didn’t write in yesterday’s  blog so I’ll write a bit about my Thursday now. Physically it was uneventful. I have noticed some slight infrequent tingling in my skin under my right shoulder that feels like electric stimulation from a TENS unit so I contacted my oncologist to inform them and they said it wasn’t a side effect of the drugs I’m on so it wouldn’t indicate a reason to stop them but to keep them informed of any other changes. Other than that my right lung area was tender when breathing deeply and I felt like I needed to cough but because of the pain it causes, I tried not to. 

John, Brooklyn and I ran a few errands, including a Target run where I ran into my twin, Wonder Woman, but mostly Brooklyn and I laid low while John was attending his conference.

We wanted to sit by the pool but it was closed still so we came up to the hotel room and napped, talked to a few people, rubbed ASEA gel on me while praying healing over me, talked about life and really just relaxed all day. We did go to a BBQ place that Quita, the local Starbucks barista, recommended for us to have lunch while I drank my beet juice concoction.

I think John and Brooklyn are hoping to find the best BBQ here in Memphis so we will try again today. 

I did get to see a few of the folks from John’s SMA group that are very dear to me. I was deeply touched as Chaz, Robin and Earl each came up to me, hugged and held me, cried with me and were so compassionate. 

That was really it for the day. I’m thankful to have this precious time with one of my besties, Brooklyn and I’m so grateful she stopped her life to be here with me. 

I’ll share two beautiful spiritual moments that happened. One is this song that Brooklyn shared. Gratitude

The other is a prayer over me from a sister in Christ who will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you Emily. 

“Good morning Tricia! Praying for you. I declare life to your lungs and for complete healing over your body in Jesus name! This has been in my spirit for you ❤️

Isaiah 53:5

“But He WAS wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we ARE healed.”

When I pray for you, I can’t help to notice how much it stands out the tense in which this verse is written. “And by His stripes we ARE healed.” 

I am reminded of when Jesus tells the invalid in John 5 to “Pick up your mat and walk!” Just as Abraham did not deny the facts that his body was “as good as dead”, yet he believed God would come through with His promises. 

I am standing in faith for your healing! My church has been praying for you as well. By His stripes you ARE healed

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Tennessee Bound

Today has been one of the best days since all this craziness started. My list of blessings are as follows:

1. Zero pain at the biopsy site! It was in my bone!! 

2. My ability to breathe with mild exertion is SO much easier than the past 2 days when it kept getting harder and harder. 

3. Spent the morning with a dear friend who arranged to have time with me. Such a special time sharing beet juice with this lady, Cat. 

4. Stopped in to surprise my coworkers on the way out of town.  I miss them all terribly! AND they continued to shower me with gifts.  

5. My daughter whom honestly,  I've been most concerned about with this news came outright and said, "Mom, you've raised me to be so strong and even if God takes you before I want Him to, I'm going to be ok. As a family we will rally and be there for each other and I will be ok." That was like salve to my hurting mama’s heart. 

6. I'm so blessed by the outpouring of support from so many people. There are entire Bible study groups from many of my friend’s churches even as far reaching as Oman that are praying, there are friends of mine who are Jewish, Muslim and even agnostics that have shared that they're praying for a miracle of healing. I'm so deeply humbled and overwhelmed with this amount of love.  

7. I am driving to Memphis, TN with my husband to hang with him while he's at a work conference and one of my BFFs is flying in tonight to be with me.  

Medically, it’s Day 2 on Ibrance. I didn’t think there were any side effects until 5 minutes ago. Not sure if it’s from the drug or what but when I crawled out of the passenger seat to hop in the back of the van for a bit it felt like I had sharp pain in the bottom of my right big toe. When I looked it felt like I stepped on something sharp but actually it was a bulging blood vessel that feels bruised. I’m not sure what that’s all about but I need to watch it. The doctor said there could be lowered white blood cell count with this drug among many others but we decided it was a risk we had to take. 

Prayer for these medications to work, for the Asea to help cells heal and mostly that Jesus will completely heal me regardless. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Biopsy Day

Biopsy Day. Started very early to be at The Christ Hospital at 6 am. It went exceptionally well and I’m claiming another answer to specific prayer. As the nurse prepped me for the biopsy, she explained how I’d be twilight sedated so I could hear instruments and talking and feel pressure. Also I’d feel pain from the initial injection to numb me. I talked to Dr Paik, the radiologist doing the biopsy about my concern with needles and I’m not sure what he did or if my body just took to it well but I never felt a thing. Praise the Lord!! It’s midnight and I still feel nothing at the injection site!!!

Then to the pulmonologist and I was pretty out of it from the sedation still. I can say that I walked away from that appointment not feeling very hopeful. She showed me comparisons of my lungs from 2020 to this week.  Explained that of the medications don’t work they’ll have to drain my lungs palliatively over and over until they cannot. 

Other than that, I got to chat with my Aunt Ro on video for the first time since all this started. Tears and laughter seems to be a common theme. We both managed a smile for the camera though. 
Dear dear friends and former coworkers came for a lovely visit too. Love these ladies! Thank you for your time tonight Jess and Courtney. We worked together for 10 years and I’m thankful that our friendship goes far beyond work. 
Speaking of work family, my current peeps keep sending me thoughtful gifts including this tonight. My buddy Topher drew this caricature of John and me. We will cherish that forever!

 My sweet son and Sarah Marie came by to just be with me and they helped me tremendously by juicing for the next few days as we travel to Tennessee for John’s work conference. 

Then one of my dearest kindred spirit besties finally was able to come for a visit and she serves both John and me like Jesus. Words don’t come to me to express the profound love I have for this lady. 
Then to top it all off, John played his last Huff n Puff hockey game only to take a slap shot to the top of his big toe and he’s pretty sure it’s broken. We are quite the pair tonight. 

And we still hold space for joy that we were given today to live life to the fullest! 

Monday, April 25, 2022


This is a day of miraculous answered prayer and radical love by so many!

I must share what God did today to lift my spirits and give me such a display of crazy love! 

To start, my cousins Pam and Todd came in from Illinois for a couple nights to help with whatever was needed. Cooked, cleaned, shopped, took down our gazebo, loved and laughed, etc! These dear ones hold a sacred place in my heart. 

Then my dear friend and sister in Christ came by with flowers and a song. Does it get any sweeter than this?!

Then the big BIG answer to my and others specific prayer that the second hormone blocking medication I am being prescribed would be approved, affordable and come quickly. I was told it could cost $5000/mo and take 1-2 weeks to get approved but within a couple hours IT WAS APPROVED, WILL COST $0 and WILL BE OVER NIGHT SHIPPED HERE TOMORROW!! For this I’m so so thankful because I’ve really noticed a significant decrease in my breathing stamina so I’m hoping this will help stop the cancer cells from continuing to invade my lungs. 

I got to finally talk via video with two of my most kindred spirit friends and sister in law, Wendy T and Debbie K.  There truly is none like them. Everyone needs people like them in their life!

 My adoring and amazing team at work have set up a system where every day they’re dropping off a special gift. Tonight my dear friend and boss gifted me with a beautiful cross decoration and a daily blessing Journal. I love you guys. Thank you, Nicole! These two prayed over me and delivered the cooler of goodies! 

Lastly I got to spend a short visit with my son, Love, again. And I was thankful to talk to my daughter and sisters and mom today. My phone doesn’t stop with multiple encouraging texts, blessings, prayers and words of encouragement. Everyone EVERYONE i feel so loved my heart could burst!!! 

It’s my hope that each person whom ever hears my story or reads my blog will know they are deeply loved by God and that you’d call upon Jesus as your Savior. Let this never be about me but rather about your precious and wondrous relationship with our Creator. I know God is more than able to use my humble little life to show others about His mercy and forgiveness. I was blessed today to hear that a dear friend of ours, Tim, who doesn’t really ever talk about his faith was moved to pray for me. THAT is my miracle!! That is knowing my life has meaning and purpose. 

TOMORROW is my biopsy. Praying for comfort and precision and safety in the surgery. With my O2 and breathing issues I am prayerful that it will be successful. 

Now off to cuddle the best husband on earth! 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Lots of Love

This day began with some great physical rib cage pain that was so intense throughout the night that I called the oncologist office for pain medication. But here’s the miracle, after I got up I actually didn’t need any muscle relaxer because God answered out prayers! 

The day was filled with joyful moments from scenery outside to friends and family visiting. I realize that so many beloved friends from my 55 year lifetime can be very emotional.  I know with my serious physical condition there’s the thought that people need to visit ’one last time’ and while it might be true, it doesn’t feel like that as we talk and laugh. I believe God is still healing me despite statistics. And I also acknowledge that I get winded just to walk up the stairs and know things aren’t right as I struggle to breathe normally after only slight exertion.

Tomorrow I’ll be asking some questions about the biopsy but for now it’s been a blessed day on many levels! Prayer warriors praying with me, singing over me, holding space for me, texting me, calling me and I’m thankful beyond measure.

I cried this morning at the beauty of the sound of this waterfall at Clifton Gorge with my husband. Oh how I love waterfalls! I long to hear hundreds more!

Dear friends, Mike and Andrea brought hours of love, laughter, some tears, daffodils, gifts and crème brûlée pie (she knows me well as I love dessert first however it’ll be shared for my visitors to enjoy as I’ve eliminated sugar, sodium, alcohol and processed foods from my diet but it was just lovely eating it vicariously through my friends!)
Deb and I got to sit together while our husbands Mountain bike these trails at John Bryan. We soaked in the sun. Normally I’d be the lead rider amongst John, Trace and me but not anymore. Not now anyway. I can’t wait for the miracle of breath and health when I can mountain bike again. 
Then to just be with this saint, Doni! To those who know her, there just isn’t an explanation of what a precious woman this is. She has a servants heart that I want to emulate. 
My prayer requests today are for the Rx drug, Ibrance to be readily approved on Monday and affordable so it can be shipped immediately without delay, and that my body will utilize these drugs to help me breathe very quickly.

Praising Jesus in this for all the opportunity to share His goodness, forgiveness, mercy and love. There is no other name by which I’m saved! I’m so so blessed!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Beautiful Saturday

Saturday was a little more difficult for me physically. There has been a pressure and pain in my right rib cage around my right breast that hasn’t subsided like it had in the past. To take in a breath it feels like something is impeding that space within my rib cage and lung. And my breathing had lots more moments of duress. 

Other than that, my day was filled with so many blessings: the loving arms of my husband gently wrapped around me, praying over me, lovingly rubbing soothing gel on me and serving me tenderly. 

The doorbell rang and I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Scott and Lori.

Then my dear sister friend, Lynn, sent me the most beautiful audio message about how I’ve impacted her life which is truly nothing short of divine. It made me weep tears of gratitude that God showed me, again, how He has used me to make a difference for Him! 

The list of blessings goes on and on today: video calls with more friends and family, texts from old friends, plans for family and friends to come visit me, rejoicing with my sister about answered prayer, laughing with my daughter, a walk in the woods, sitting in the sunshine and lastly, worshiping with Deb and Trace as she graciously sang me a song that lifted me up 6 years ago at the first diagnosis and it did again tonight. 

So much joy while at the same time I’m reminded of the frailty of life. I’m so thankful I can praise my heavenly Father in the midst of this. 

My friend Katie sent me this song today saying she sang it over me. It touched me deeply on many levels.

So even now as I type this in my bed at 1 am I cry out to God with the pain increasing and at the same time worshipping a God who knows me, loves me and will never leave me. 

Counting My Blessings

Woke up and my friend Liz called and informed me that she will be calling every morning to read a Psalm to me and pray over me. 

My mountain biking friend and Shred Sister, Brenda, whom I’ve never personally met contacted me and shared her heart and concern for what I’m going through and asked if everyday she could contact me to look at all the things I’m grateful for and let me know that as a community of mountain biking ladies, they are there for me through this whole thing!

Went to my husband’s mens Bible study group and asked these dear brothers to pray for me and as we held hands in a circle I could sense God’s love flowing through us. 

Lots and lots of calls, texts and visits from those dear souls all day. Those whom I love deeply and we cried, prayed, and as with my sweet Michaelah, drank organic carrot juice and sat out in the sunshine together and we’re fully present living a precious moment in time together. 

The family of fox pups (7) came out from under our shed and provided the gift of seeing God’s creation in a unique and special way. We first noticed them a couple days after this all started last week and get to watch them frolicking and playing 2-3 times a day! What a treat!

My son knocked on my door and embraced me for the best mama hug and I got to bury my head on his chest and we weeped together. I got to explain everything going on, showed him the PET scan images especially of my lungs and he loving listened and took it all in with grace then informed me that no matter what happens to me, he will be ok and he knows I’m with him all the time and always will be. 
Then on to the medical portion of the day, I spoke to The James Cancer Center and reviewed my images. It’s here where I’ll get my second opinion after the biopsy is done. The biopsy got scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday through The Christ Hospital.

I was able to monitor my pulse/oxygen throughout the day and my resting pulse ran high 91-108 and my oxygen ran low 90-96. The rib pain was slightly present most of the day but at least my butt cheeks are somewhat less tender from the initial dose of medication, Faslodex. 

My day ended with receiving these stunning flowers! I think this must be the most beautiful flower ever! Thank you Liz!! 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Really Sad Day AND God is Still Good

 The information I’m sharing today is probably going to shock you as it has us. These past 24 hours I’ve cried more tears of sadness for all my cherished family and friends as I’ve had to make the hardest phone calls. If I didn’t call you, it isn’t because I didn’t want to see you or talk, I just got a point of emotional exhaustion for one day. Here is what happened on 4/21/22 in my world. 

My very kind and loving husband drove me to The Christ Hospital for my PET/CT scan. Shout out a young student in charge of my injection and he was so gentle that I told him it was the best ‘stick’ I’ve ever had. Here is a photo of my first Angel of the day. 

On the way home we received THE call. Emma from Dr Cody’s call and shared that the cancer was detected throughout my entire body: lymph nodes, bones including the entire spinal column and hips, liver and lungs. This cancer is not easy to detect with normal blood markers which is why it wasn’t found earlier. Evidently it’s not new and has been in my system a long time. The only reason we found it is because it’s finally advanced enough to affect my breathing. My lungs don’t have just a tumor rather the cancer cells have clogged the entire lymphatic system in both my lungs. 

Dr Cody was so concerned at the seriousness of my condition that he said we were starting treatment TODAY. With my lungs being a vital organ, I could literally be unable to breathe in a short period of time if not treated immediately. And only God knows my day and hour when He’ll escort me Home, it sounded like this type of cancer especially in my lungs as fully as it is, typically doesn’t give most people much time on Earth. So we decided to thank God for today, love deeply, show grace readily, and know that God has me here to simply share His Good News to those who will listen.

Dr Cody had some of his staff stay late to see me. I was the only patient in the entire office. He is a gentle man that is very knowledgeable and tender hearted. I’m very thankful for this kind man who has the unpleasant job of delivering this kind of news.

He explained everything to John and me, answered our questions and got a couple more Angels to get my blood drawn for tests. Caroline, administered  2 shots in my buttocks which is going to block estrogen to basically stop the cells from growing. There are 2 other medications he is ordering that I should have next week. So one oral medication and two drugs administered as shots in my muscles. Caroline did a great job doing a very hard job. Thankfully the Lord made it all very tolerable. I hummed ‘What Child Is This’ while she pushed the thick meds into my bum. My other Angel John Wonderly gently rubbed my back as she did it. 

Next came the hardest part of this day besides seeing my husband hear the news…calling my kids, parents, sisters, boss and a couple friends. I won’t go into it but I’ve cried more tears today than I have in a long time and my sweet sweet hubby held me and cried with me through it all. 

He made me a lovely dinner and we both dropped into bed holding each other and I’m being thankful for this faithful, humble, compassionate best friend a wife could ever ask for. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

A Day of Normalcy

 Nothing to report today other than I decided to go to work despite some breathing difficulties still. Better, but still short of breath and need rx for cough. It was so good to see all my people. This group is truly SO compassionate, SO willing to help, SO generous, SO loving!! Honestly, every person at this office is a true gift from God!! How can I not love my Super Heroes?!

Tomorrow is a BIG day. Got word today that insurance approved the scans! Crazy thing is if they didn’t approve it, the hospital isn’t allowed to do it even if I paid it myself!! Thankful I only have a relatively small portion of the cost to pay in comparison to the total fee. These tests aren’t cheap!

So, I’ll have my PET/CT scan in the morning and should have a report by the end of the day.

 It is my prayer that the spots they saw are nothing of concern and my lung condition is not anything more than me recovering from COVID back in January. I’m praying for this miracle of complete healing and may God get ALL THE GLORY. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Echocardiogram and blood test results

On the medical side of things today I had an echocardiogram this morning at Christ Hospital Outpatient. Within 30 minutes I got back the results. Everything was normal. Praise the Lord!! Throughout the day I got test results in from bloodwork done last Thursday. The CA27 29 is supposed to be 0-33. Mine was 41! Crazy thing is just 6 weeks ago at my oncology appointment it was only 15!!! Not exactly sure what that meant so I called the oncologist and she explained that it might mean something or it might not. Usually when it is that high they retake it in a month and do a PET scan. Well I’m already scheduled for that on Thursday so it will either  confirm the elevated number or not. Either way, regardless of what they say, I’m remembering to be thankful in all things because God sees me and He has healed me on levels beyond the physical and for that I’m humbly blessed. 

After the test, my hubs and I met my sister, Paula, to get mom to her so she can get back home to Illinois. How incredibly thankful we are that mom came and spent 5 days here with me. 

And how do I begin to thank all my amazing friends who have generously given my their extra Asea? Nicole, Lori & Cindy literally gave me enough liquid and gel for me to bathe in it like I prayed for. 

I don’t even think I can comprehend the level of love shown by so many. Thank you EVERYONE for your prayers and well wishes. God  is using us all to be united as a family as we rally to approach His throne and make our requests known. I trust Him with my everything. I’m ok. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Today’s the Beginning of Doctors

Yesterday ended on a beautiful Easter note. So lovely having my mama here with us. She’s comforting, helpful, adventurous and willing to do just about anything! So we took her on her first canoe ride. We also hunted for morel mushrooms but only found this patch of wild daffodils. 

The diversion of activity is good for my soul until we have more answers.

I saw my oncologist, Dr Cody, this morning. Nothing was definitive other than he wants me to see a pulmonologist for my lungs. Still very unsure what’s causing shortness of breath and coughing. Says I definitely have plural effusion but that’s not necessarily why everything else in my lungs is showing other issues. He said he’d like to have a brachioscope done that goes into my lungs and looks at them from the inside. Since the diuretic has helped with my breathing, he ordered another rx for that since I ran out yesterday. He ordered an echocardiogram too.

As for the spots on my bones, he said the radiologist he works with isn’t even convinced that’s for sure cancer and since the spots are so small he didn’t want to biopsy them because the risk on my spine. He’s ordering a PET/CAT scan of my whole body but sadly it’s only allowed IF insurance covers it! He did say that while he’s not convinced it’s definitely cancer, he’ll go with what the ER doctors called it as metastatic breast cancer in submitting to the insurance because the chance of them covering it is better. So now I wait to hear back from them on all those things. I do have my echocardiogram scheduled for tomorrow morning and my PET/CT scheduled for Thursday if insurance approves it.

We made Easter as normal as possible with ham, green salad, hasselback potatoes and homemade cannolis. My son joined us and we all enjoyed our time. 

Then some new friends stopped by to deliver pounds of smoked meat so we don’t have to cook all week. We are beyond grateful. Thank you Prunty family. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Morning

At 2 am I woke up feeling overwhelmed. Noticing I still have restricted breathing, albeit is improved, and knowing I’ve completed one of two antibiotics, I was thinking that my breathing should feel much more normal if this is just pneumonia. Since it’s really not feeling as improved as I expected, my mind raced to all those places of fear. Thankfully I rolled over and asked my sweet hubby to just hold me while I cried. He did and he prayed over me while rubbing my back.  He helped divert my emotional rollercoaster by asking me to tell him all about my walk in the woods with my mom last evening.

Most of the time since Wednesday morning’s findings I’ve been in a place of faith and trust and hope but sometimes I get scared too. Scared I’ll die. Scared I would be leaving behind so many loved ones that will have to grieve deeply my loss. Then after a good cry, I calmed down and thanked God for being there with me through it all. I thanked him for the beautiful full moon. I thanked him for a faithful and adoring husband. I thanked him for the overwhelming outpouring of love and support I’ve experienced in just 4 days! 

I decided not to go to church right now with so many people and possible exposure to any illness. Even though I don’t have COVID, I need to protect my lungs and have less exposure to so many people until this is figured out. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Breathing Deeper

 I have woken up the last 2 days noticing being able to breathe deeper and deeper. For this I’m very grateful! Although I still have a deep cough unless I take my Rx meds for it. But that cough has caused my rib cage to feel like a knife stabbing me. Muscle relaxer helps a lot but knocks me out too. 

Mom and I went for a long walk today in the woods. Nice being in the fresh air and sunshine. 

Bought lots of organic fruits and veggies and will continue to juice and focus on a healthy diet. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Reopening My Journal After 5 Years

 April 13, 2022

This first post will probably be the longest. To start I must post a few of the dear ones who were able to visit me just since all this craziness started.

It’s been almost 6 years to the date since I started this blog that I faithfully kept on a daily basis for about a year until all my breast cancer treatments were completed and I successfully battled cancer and won with God - miracle after miracle! 

Today it seems this Journal is being reopened and now we can watch God at work once again in a way that came very unexpected. 

Three weeks ago I started experiencing lower back pain and a tightness in my chest when breathing.  I would have coughing fits that would trigger more unproductive coughing. It reminded me of a croup cough that kids get… barky and deep. I was short of breath and keenly aware that something was amiss. 

At first I thought it might be allergies or a chest cold but then after not getting any better after 2 weeks, I decided to see my PCP. Thankfully the muscle relaxer for my back helped however the inhaler for my restricted feeling in my lungs made no difference. Another week goes by and the soreness in my right rib cage was often quite achy and breathing was shallow and restricted. The cough and shortness of breath was unchanged. Back to Dr Fisco this past Tuesday to try a chest X-ray and Z-pack. Perhaps pneumonia?

I was informed by my oncologist’s nurse that the Tamoxifen I take may cause pulmonary embolisms so I immediately contact Dr Manders, my surgical oncologist and ask her what to do. I explain it all and Dr Manders and she said it doesn’t really sound like a PE, because my pulse and O2 saturation is normal among other things. So I don’t run to get a CT. I just love Dr Manders. She’s one of God’s angels walking around on this earth! Here we were shortly after my surgery.

Then the next morning, this past Wednesday, I saw my first patient at work and noticed I stopped to catch my breath at least 3 times while cleaning his teeth. After completing his appointment, I took a pulse-ox and my pulse was 114!! I wasn’t doing anything that should have elevated it so I kinda freaked out knowing this was the sign Dr Manders said to be aware of. As I sat down with one of my sweet and loving co-workers, my pulse continued to rapidly increase until it was 140!!! I knew then that IT WAS TIME! I told Gaby to call the squad. Before I knew it, I was whisked off and the next 2 days have been a blur and frenzy of tests, tears and yes…a re-rediagnosis of cancer! 

The UC West Chester ER did an ultrasound and CT scan on my lungs and the ER doctor sat down and informed me that it’s recurrent cancer in both my lungs and bones. She saw cancer spots in my vertebrae. She confirmed that the ultrasound and CT did not show pneumonia or an embolism. She call my medical oncologist and discussed it and I have an appointment this upcoming Monday with Dr Cody to do more tests. HOWEVER, Dr Cody’s nurse said she showed the CT and ultrasound to her radiologist and said it’s definitely suspicious in the spine but he didn’t agree with the lung cancer diagnosis. Said it looked like fluid or pleural effusions and they put me on a diuretic for 5 days and want to retest things. 

In the meantime, some dear friends whom I won’t name, called and said that they’re donors to The James Cancer Center in Columbus, OH and would I be interested in getting a second opinion if he could arrange it? Of course I said yes as second opinions are always a great idea! With in 24 hours The James called and got me registered to be seen!

This afternoon I cried because I was laying down to nap and realized I could take a full breath in for the first time in 3 weeks!! Never have I appreciated breathing so much!

My hope is in Jesus! My healer and comforter. God brings people into our lives for different reasons and I have literally an ARMY of praying friends. Whether it’s my cherished family, beloved friends, faithful coworkers or my sacred mountain biking ladies group, I am not alone. I have people I’ve never even met praying over me! It’s an amazing and holy experience to realize how much love people have for me and offer whatever I need. My mother and one of my sisters immediately got in a car and drove 7 hours to be with me that very night!

My kids have been so sweet in loving and grieving this shocking news with me. Even my former spouse lovingly offered to buy my Asea to help with my healing! My sweet boss, Nicole, offered to forgo work and take me to my doctors appointments if needed! There are countless acts of kindness from so many that I could go on and on. God’s so good to me. 

Now I approach His throne and ask for healing and watch His miracle after miracle unfold! To God be all the glory!