Blog Archive

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day September 18, 2016 Feet Falling Off And A Week In Illinois

So it's been a week since I blogged. Since my last post, I had another dose of Taxol and when the doctor saw my peeling feet, there was great concern.  Evidently feet aren't supposed to do that and I was informed that if it's worse next time they may switch my chemo meds. Thankfully, there isn't pain associated with the peeling, but if one more layer decides to slough off, I will be in raw tissue and it will be quite painful. Right now I will say my feet are a bit tender to stand on or walk much, but it's totally tolerable.

I did spend the week in Northern Illinois visiting my family and friends. On Monday night I got to see my favorite Belarussians! Yulia Kavalerchik is always a dear friend who makes me my favorite salad, always feeds me (even if I'm not hungry!), always stays up into the wee hours of the night talking, and always reminds me that I am welcome at a moment's notice even if we haven't spoken for months! I love how our friendship just can pick up where we left off even if it's a month or a year! And, special thanks to her handsome son, David, who hung out with us old ladies all evening. I felt quite special!

The week went fast, but I did get to milk goats, hang out in my friend's garden, harvest grapes and make juice for jelly. I drank fresh goat milk daily and had more vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and supper this past week than in a while!  I also drove to Milwaukee, Wi and Rockford, Il to visit sisters and my parents! The week was relaxing and filled with love.

I started listening to Abba's Child by Brennan Manning...another 'must read' for my friends that have never read it! Oh how wonderful it is to hear how this author uses words so precisely in describing how we all need to see ourselves. Thankfully, it's also free on Hoopla (free audio library books).

This week I received gifts from some loving friends. Wendy graciously bought me goose down pillows just because I mentioned how much I loved hers on her guest bed! Next thing I know, I own ones just like it. Man, it's the softest, most luxurious pillow I've ever put my head on!

Then today was very special. I decided that since it was Fall Kick-off at Red Door, our Cincinnati church, I would attend. It's been over 3 months since I went to church and I can't believe the warm, loving and welcoming hugs I got from so many dear friends. I really love that body of believers! It's like home to me. Worship was so sweet. I realize now just how much I miss worshiping with my Red Door family. This was a treat for me. I probably won't make a habit of it for my health's sake, but today was just good for my soul.

Now I don't know how often I'll be blogging, as I don't really have much 'cancer news' to report. Probably next week I'll post again unless something crazy happens.

For now I just keep slathering my feet with the most amazing Whipped Neem Balm from Ann Post. She is the sweet mom of my son, Jon's, highschool friend, Nate, who read my blog and randomly sent me her home-made soaps and the most moisturizing balm for 'what ails me'. I had been rubbing it on my bald head after shaving my head every other day just to keep my skin soft, but last week, I found a true NEED for it with my peeling feet. If you want to check it out, go to her website: Again, God has abundantly showered me with loving people and their generosity! Thank you, Ann!

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