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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day Sept. 21, 2016 Getting Fat, Bald, Grey and Sleepless

So my feet are continuing to lose layers of skin even more, but thankfully, no pain and I'm still walking on intact skin but my left foot is really bubbling up and beginning to peel off entirely on the heel and now on the ball of my foot. Still hoping it will stop at this layer. I read that keeping out of the sun, keeping it moisturized, and not allow my feet to have friction like 'much walking' is best. So yesterday I was that bald lady at the grocery store in the motorized cart! The turning radius on those little carts is pretty tight! Great job grocery cart engineer!

Today I had a lunch date with my hubby in our woods, It was quiet and green and beautiful. I love that man and those woods. It's magical there! Won't be long and we will have our Frozen Butt Hangs aka hammock camping in our woods in the winter!

Every time I go to the oncologist's office I seem to gain a few ounces or even a pound so I'm back to behaving myself. I realized that I got lazy and let myself eat more sugar, grain, dairy, and yes, alcohol than I wanted. So, no more alcohol at all! Very little grain and sugar and I'm ok with dairy. I don't have any digestive issues with eating anything other than my waistline increasing in girth!

Yesterday and today I actually worked! Dr. Henize asked me to help him with a project that I could do from home, so I have put in 10 hours in the last 2 days! Granted, it's not hygiene pay, but it's something and I'm grateful. One aspect of this project was to Skype with potential employees as I conducted interviews. I thought it might be best to don my cranial prosthesis so nobody freaked out seeing a bald lady interviewing them. It was fine until my first hot flash hit. I tried everything I could to not whip that wig off my bald head and let some cooler air in! I've discovered that wearing the wig might come in handy in the winter but for now I typically prefer bald or turbans still. Oh, and when the peach fuzz hairs on my head do start growing in after a couple days, they are ALL WHITE! Hmmm, since I refuse to color my hair ever again, it will be interesting to see how my hair does come in after chemo. I might give Lynne Albrecht a run for her money! And while I'm pontificating about my eyebrows are almost totally gone now. I'm drawing them in with a pencil most days. Eyelashes are all but gone too. I tried putting on mascara yesterday and landed on my eyelid!

 I find myself waking again around midnight and feeling wide awake and I have not even had steroids this week. Not sure what that is all about. Thankfully, I do fall asleep......pause for hot flash break! Need cold water....

Ok, I'm I was saying, I do fall asleep relatively fast with my new down pillows from my friend, Wendy! If you ever wanted the softest down pillows, go to and check out their Ultimate down pillows! It's like I'm in heaven!

Haven't listened to my books or read Scripture lately. I would like to do that. I was more mindful of God in my life when I read...even if it's Psalms. Why am I so slothful with that? Maybe tonight John and I will read together. He is always so good about that when I ask.

Lastly, just a note that right now if I did not have cancer, I would be in Quetico, Canada on our annual wilderness camping trip. Every morning and evening I say to John, "Where would we be right now? Ahhh, camping at Rebecca Falls, or paddling up the Sioban River!" Then I discuss the specifics of what we might have done all day and how many smallmouth bass I might have caught and how I would have seen bald eagles and maybe a moose! Oh, how I miss thee, Quetico! John sweetly just whispers in a consoling way

, "Next year..."

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