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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Still in Colorado

Today was a lot of time with these two kiddos starting with breakfast, then church, followed by playing at the park, reading a little in our book and watching Little House on the Prairie. That’s just a smattering of our day together. 

Daniel is still hunting elk and this morning Brooklyn was on the worship team at church and was asked to sing Gratitude. Here is a short clip of it. I’m thankful I got the whole thing recorded so I can listen to one of my dearest friends sing such a meaningful song on a Sunday I happen to be at her church!

When Malachi and I dropped off Norah at her tumbling class we found a park to play at. I tried keeping up with him and soon found out I’m much too weak to do things I could have done in the past. It was a pretty day outside anyway. I just can’t do monkey bars anymore.

My ribs are still quite tender to the touch so I’m thankful I’ll go see the radiation therapist on Friday. For the past several days I’ve really struggled with hot flashes like back in 2015, which means every 20-30 minutes I’m either stripping off layers or freezing and bundling up!  I also noticed the heels of my feet are so dry that the skin is starting to crack badly but I’m thankful it doesn’t hurt at all! I assume that as my skin health continues to improve, this should go away. Chemo really damaged many areas of my skin in those 18 weeks so now it’s on the mend, I hope!

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