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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Another Happy Tuesday

“Happy Tuesday!” That’s what we often say on the days we coach Special Olympics Floor hockey because of our sweet athlete, Lisa, who often says it because she’s so happy to be able to roll around in her wheelchair and play floor hockey. She’s a light in this world that brings us immense joy. 

Tuesday, July11th indeed was a happy one starting out at O-dark thirty when my son Jonathan and I drove to Columbus, OH. We were gifted with this sunrise! Good morning Lord!!

 This was his first time ever joining me for my cancer treatment. I asked him to document what actually happens at my appointments. Often I meet with my oncologist first but this time it was an infusion only. Here is a snippet of how things go. 

Starts with getting vitals. BP, temperature and O2 check. 

Then my port gets cleaned and accessed before they draw blood to make sure my blood count is good enough to receive the Herceptin and Perjeta medications.

Then I wait for the medications to be mixed and they attach that IV to my port and hang out for about an hour. I get a lot of fluids between the saline and 2 bags of medications so I will unplug and walk to the restroom 2-3 times in that visit. Other than that I chat and visit with whomever I’m with  it’s like being at a coffee shop with friends sans coffee!

Finally, I jokingly say I get deported aka have my port de accessed and off I go to enjoy the remainder of my day.

Jonathan shared before arriving that it’s very hard for him to do this and see it but afterwards he and I went for lunch at my favorite spot, Alchemy Kitchen (my favorite part of infusion days). There my once-blue haired friend Maddie works and is always generously sharing free treats from their organic menu and is full of the joy of the Lord!

Then Jonathan and I went on a bike ride and we were blessed with time together to soak in nature and the treasure of friendship and an unbeatable bond between mother and son! 

Then my hubby John and I had the privilege of heading to the YMCA for our Special Olympics Floor hockey where we are blessed by a group of angels on earth to wrap up my Tuesday!! 

A happy Tuesday indeed!!

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