Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


πŸ™Œ For several months I’ve been mentioning that something big was in the works for me! Well, THIS is the official blog announcement that I have my very own, God-Inspired, Tricia-designed, Gratitude Bell!!! For the FULL story please feel free to click here and read the first entry on my newest blog. I created this blog in hopes that people who buy or get to ring one of my Gratitude Bells will share their own stories with me and I will post them there so others can read about everyone’s gratitude! 

I just knew something needed to be done because walking past the Victory Bell every three weeks always stung a bit. But NOW that I have my own Gratitude Bell, I’ll be sharing about it as often as possible. They can now be purchased at Bevin Bells. It’s my hope that if someone buys one for themselves, they’ll consider getting one for their local oncology infusion centers too! Most people, including myself, never thought about how it must feel for those terminal cancer patients who will have treatment for the rest of their lives and can’t ring the Victory Bell because their treatments never cease. Now we can! The Gratitude Bell is there for us to ring whenever we want to! 

I did personally order a few of them as gifts for some unique situations and people that made a huge impact on me during the past 1.5 years. So far I’ve been able to distribute the first one to our pastor, Roger, who is battling blood cancer! He’s always saying how grateful he is and we wanted to bless him with the very first one! John and I have a very special place in our heart for this man who serves, gives, and loves deeply. We are very grateful for him and excited to see how God is using his story to reach so many for Jesus!! 

I will post about the others as they are received or hung. One will be hung on my favorite local mountain bike trail where the inspiration came to me back in April ‘23 at my one year re-diagnosis cancer-versary. On the next bike ride, I’m sure my hubby will hang it securely on a tree along the trail!

This Friday I’ll be handing one to the manager at the Stephanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center Center during my next infusion. I am so grateful they agreed to hang it!!! That way I will be able to ring it EVERY time I walk past it!! And today I shipped out 2 others to some very special people on my gratitude journey, one being Brandon Lake who wrote the Gratitude song. 

I received a check this week from friends in the Special Olympics community who gifted me with money to buy a Gratitude Bell.  I’m thinking about the best place to put another one but I love it that there will be one more Bell to ring! 

To update folks in general… I’m still feeling miraculously wonderful! Praise God!! Yes, I occasionally get those Charlie horses and now take Imodium preventatively every 2-3 days. Yes, my skin breaks out in a rash or is very thin and fragile in places from the medications and lack of estrogen, but I can manage that and am grateful to be alive and feel so well. Yes, I get tired throughout the day and often need a nap or go to bed early. But, who doesn’t love a good mid-day nap? Yes, I have minor neuropathy in my feet and finger tips but it’s minor.  Yes, my back can get sore, but whose doesn’t?   Other than that, I’m feeling perfect! Thank You, God!!

Lately, John and I have sat around the Solo Stove out in our woods at night. It’s so peaceful. We can’t wait until our WonderVan life will be this every night!

Speaking of WonderVan, it’s coming along! Tonight the subwall layers inside the van were completed! Van life will begin soon!

I have very much enjoyed a book called Imagine Heaven by John Burke and last weekend my sister and her beau visited us where we met up with friends and went to see a great show called After Death. To anyone who knows the impact Dr Mary Neal’s story had on me, this is that plus several more miraculous stories about folks who have had NDE’s. Life after life is going to be amazing! 

This Friday I met my new oncologist, Dr Kai Johnson. I’ve heard he’s great! I’m trusting he is. Until then, adieu!

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