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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Prepped And Ready for Radiation, But Forced To Cancel Annual Frozen Butt Hang!

Tuesday I had my simulation appointment with the radiation oncology office. It was pretty straight forward. Strip from waist up 😏 and lay down on CT scanner😴.
Then get comfy with torn rotator cuff by positioning arms above head!😨, don't move for 20 min😬 and mold me in position😱.
Then practice deep breaths...holding each for 20 seconds 😳 after tightly strapping on a breathing monitor across my waist, play dot-to-dot on my tummy and sides with a permanent marker and then put stickers over the marks so they won't come off for the next 7 weeks 😰.
Take a cat scan 😽. Done!
It only took about an hour and was pretty simple. Now I wait for the office to call me once the treatment plan is put in place and then I will get on the schedule. As I mentioned in the past, it will be 6 weeks of radiation, 5 times a week, 10-15 min. for each appt. Supposedly I can expect to be a bit fatigued and will get redness like a sunburn, eventually. The condition of my skin would respond best if it's not already dried out, so I decided to stop my water aerobics class until this is all done. I started putting castor oil on my skin where the treatment will be, just to get it supple before I even start.  I've been told castor oil, aloe, and a few specialty creams are best for radiation.

Unfortunately, I got a bit of a head cold a couple days ago, so the last 2 days I've pretty much sipped tea, read books, and laid low.

We were going to have our annual Frozen Butt Hang (outdoor hammock camping) in our woods this weekend (before I started radiation), but the 40-60 degree weather and rain for the past 3 days caused us to postpone it! Bummer!! I was so looking forward to being in our woods! Last year we had a grand time and did it 3 times! Here are a few pics of our Wonderly Woods Frozen Butt Hang from 2016! If we did it this weekend, we would have to rename it the Thawed Butt Sag instead! I will keep dreaming.....


Brooklyn said...

Kicking butt and taking names. Love you mama!

Unknown said...

Praying for you, Trish.