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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day November 16, 2016 Surgery Date Changed...Argh!

Today while  packing our winter camping gear and writing lists of food items we will need for the weekend of winter camping, I received a call from my breast surgeon's office explaining that Dr. Manders had some things scheduled for November 29th that she was not aware of and they had to move my surgery date to Thursday, December 1, 2016.

As much as I tried keeping it to Tuesday, or even move it up to  next week, she said that my only option was that Thursday or the week after. Much disappointment!! Ok, I even melted into a little puddle of  a few tears after we hung up! I was  surprised at my reaction, but I think when it comes to big events like this, I get it in my head, make arrangements, accept it, and prepare myself for it. However, I had 3 major reasons why having it on December 1 was so NOT what I wanted, but having it the following week was not going to work either. So, I had to mentally adjust and accept my new surgery date.  Let's just say I'm not a happy camper right now!

Aside from that, I must say that the side effect I mentioned the other day about my muscles being fatigued has increased significantly. I have called Dr. Cody's nurses and discussed it. Supposedly, it is still normal. But I would say that it's more than just fatigue at this point. I feel like there is significant stiffness in my leg muscles now; the rigidness and lack of flexibility is so profound that I walk slower, moan in discomfort when I stretch, and ache when walking fast or up steps. I figured this might last a couple days or maybe even weeks, so I asked the nurse. THAT is when I figuratively hit the floor! She said that this can last 6 months to a year!!! She also informed me that if it continues to worsen to the point that I need help, there is a cancer fatigue therapy that she can refer me to in West Chester that is through Christ Hospital. When I read about these side effects, the exact term of what I feel is 'rigor', like in rigor mortis, except I'm not dead so it's just rigor! Also, my neck muscles feel weird again. Perhaps it's stress, but it's a tightness that makes me feel a little like there is something stuck in my throat. I expect it to go away.

A positive comment, which I'm honestly feeling quite whiny tonight so it's a stretch to feel happy right now, is that John and I grilled out fresh venison filets and grilled asparagus for dinner tonight. It was scrumptious and a long time coming!

Now, I think we are going to sit in the Jacuzzi tub and watch a Christmas movie to put me in a better mood.

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