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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day November 20, 2016 A Wonder/Binder Weekend In Red River Gorge and Many Thanks

Despite feeling pretty achy, in my legs especially, we ventured out to our Annual camping trip with the Binders. Sadly, one of the two Binder couples could not make it as the nasty fever, chills, flu-ish yuck hit the night before they were to leave. So we schlepped gear and food for 6, but only had 4. What a blessing that was! It was SO cold, that Graham and Monica Binder had to raid the sleeping bags/blankets of the other Binder couple who could not make it just to stay warm enough! Our chilly weekend could actually constitute our First Frozen Butt Hang of the season as it supposedly reached the high 20's last night!  We had a great time in our little haven with hammocks, campfires, nature, friends, delicious food, and of course the gator!
 Wild Sockeye Salmon with Garlic Butter!
 Graham and Monica enjoying roasted peppers and zucchini.

 Checking out the Daniel Boone Backcountry Byway map
 The last oak leaves showing their glory for our enjoyment!

 Graham perfecting garlic butter popcorn!

I admit, it was not so easy for me doing simple tasks like hanging my hammock or searching for firewood. I just tired too quickly for my liking, but everyone was understanding and it was a huge blessing to be outside in God's beauty for 3 straight days! John is continually my hero as he graciously and willingly helped hang all three hammocks and set up camp practically by himself.  I did what I could, but without his expertise and kindness, I would never have made it!

We camped literally right next to a creek and the area was beautiful. Thankfully, Graham and Monica helped us beautify the area even more as we collected practically EVERY nasty old beer can, plastic bottle, and whatever trash we saw on the trails as we played around the area. But we made it fun! Who would think picking up other people's trash could elicit so many laughs?! 
The serene view from my hammock.

We are home now and have a week full of activity, like the rest of America on this holiday week. Since one of the Binder  couples couldn't make it this weekend, they all will come over this week for a Wonder/Binder Thanksgiving meal so we finally can be together. Who knows, we may actually have open-fire roasted chestnuts or garlic buttered popcorn for dessert just like in the wilderness! But mostly this week I will be cleaning out the 4 tubs of left over food and gear and putting it all away until January. I doubt much camping will happen between now and then.

I am so very thankful that I don't let my muscle fatigue and weakness prevent me from doing those things I love most. I am living life fully, Jordan Pieniazek.

I am thankful for my husband, John, who cherishes me with every fiber of his being, even if I have no eyebrows, a grey fuzzy head, and am more tired than normal. Beyond blessed and I can't believe I have the privilege to be married to such a man as John Wonderly!

I am thankful for our friends who love to and are able to do the crazy things we enjoy like sleeping outside when it's 28 degrees.  And they actually love it!

I am thankful for my children who call me often to just say hi, tell me about their lives, and tell me they love me! My heart is full and your actions let me know how much you care! Thank you! Up, down, all around!

I am thankful for my all family and friends who hold a profoundly special place in my heart. I can't say enough how thankful I am for each and everyone...Too many to name, but you know who you are! You have visited, called, sent cards and gifts, and mostly you've prayed!

I am thankful that  God has given me today to celebrate life. I do not take it for granted.

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