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Thursday, December 1, 2022

THE Best Day Arrived

No miracles I’ve seen or experienced this year compares to the miracle of meeting my first grandchild today! She’s perfect in every way! My heart is full and I’m smitten! What is it about newborns that touches deeply into our souls that moved this grandmother to happy tears and a profound sense of indescribable joy?! Is it her tiniest of fingers wrapped around my pinky, or her sweet scent like warm tapioca pudding, or the cooing soft sounds she makes? Is it the knowing that she’s been a part of me through my own daughter from the beginning of time? Yes! It’s all that and so much more. 

To respect her mom and dad’s wishes, I won’t be sharing many details about this miracle that has forever changed my life, but suffice it to say that she’s healthy and I’m over the moon to meet her and get to spend some time with her. 

Besides this wonderful event, I did have my infusion yesterday in Columbus, OH and my vivacious and generous friend, Lynn, joined me for a long day, then we laughed our way through North Market having her get to experience Pho for the first time and sampled all, and I mean ALL of Jeni’s Ice Cream flavors only to be surprised at Garrett, the young man working there who gave us our bowl of ice cream for FREE! So many miracles! We laughed and sampled our way through the vinegar and olive oil vendor, too, where rosemary olive oil and peach white balsamic vinegar won the taste test prize!

The infusion was super easy to do from start to finish. I’m so very thankful that getting my port accessed is super simple, having my doctor visit was uneventful and the actual infusion itself felt like absolutely nothing! It’s hard to believe just how easy these treatments are to get. It’s 100% different than the previous meds I’ve been given!

Garrett at Jeni’s Ice Cream. Loved Pistachio macaroon and cranberry crunch flavors best!!

Oh and they serve them on these adorable little silver spoons, which Lynn is currently the proud owner of 4! 

Somebody was happy happy happy to get lots of yummy oils and vinegars!

Tonight I got to relax in a tub with scented Epsom salts and candle light! Today was especially full of so many rich treasures from a safe flight to Florida to meeting my grand daughter and spending some Sweet & Wonderful time praying over our loved ones to feeling the sunny warmth on my face! It was 72° and slightly breezy when I arrived. 
I want to share yet another beautiful song that I heard yesterday. For me there have been 2 songs that have been so spot on in this whole journey, like anthems over me… Gratitude and Million Little Miracles! But this one Gonna Be Alright by Ryan Ellis is one that reminds me of the tender love my Father has for me and a song that I pray over my own children and now my granddaughter that they’ll know in God that it’s true!


Anonymous said...

❤️❤️❤️ So happy you got to meet your grandchild!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the new grandparents and parents. Miracles do happen everday. Thank The Lord for our everyday miracles.

Anonymous said...

So glad you got to meet your beautiful little granddaughter Tricia!! It doesn’t get any better than grandchildren. It was so nice to share a lot of my morning with you the other day, I received my shipment today, my new journey starts tomorrow. Thank you for you help. ❤️