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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Day December 11, 2016 Christmas Has Begun. Oh The Joys! Even The Ones That Don't Look Like It.

Isn't it funny how different all our lives are? Some friends are fervently praying over their son as he was deported on Friday to the Middle East as a member of the honored Navy Seals...praying with you Linda and Burr. We love you guys.
Another friend was at home recovering from her breast cancer surgery 4 days ago and hoping there were clean margins...praying here too Karen,
while another friend is dealing with the loss of her husband and how to raise 3 little children without him and how their 1st Christmas without him will you dear, sweet Liz.
That is just the beginning. We all have a story. However, without Christ, I don't know how any one of us gets through life? I may not be the most scholarly and learned in the Bible, but I know my Jesus is real, loves me, died for me, and paid for my sins (and there is no shortage in that department!), and one day He will bring me home. For that, I am humbled and thankful to Him. It does not mean I don't struggle some days. It does not mean I don't get sad or ask why other days. It means I always go back to trust in the end. Trust His plans for my life. Trust that His ways are so much higher than mine. Trust and submit my life to His will. I understand and love the Bible verse more and more...For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Sweet words of comfort.

As for it being a Sunday, I'm still not attending church. I want and need to continue protecting my immune system. But on December 23rd, I plan on making a special trip to my beloved body of believers at Red Door for their Christmas service. It will be good food for my soul to see these people whom I love so much. But at least I can listen to the sermons
for now.

Thankfully, we have some friends from Red Door that come up for a visit on occasion and last night was one of those very precious times. John hired Matt a few years ago as an apprentice and their personalities, talents, and high caliber character traits make their working relationship ideal. For me, it's a blessing because we just love their whole family and have started a tradition that we hope will go on for decades. They bring their daughters up and we all have a time of fine dining...John Wonderly style, which means something decadent on the grill, then exchange gifts and head over to the Wonderly Woods and have a bonfire, hot chocolate, and listen to John and Evi read the Christmas story and we all talk about God's goodness and enjoy the simplicity of the moonlit sky and seduction of the campfire's flames. Once Mea falls asleep and Marisa and I can't keep our eyes open any longer, we take the gator ride back through the 8 acres of woods and turn in for the night and look forward to another year.

These are the unforgettable, sweet gifts I see God unwrapping for me this year. Loved ones, campfires, and being alive.

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