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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Heavier Hair and A Heavier Heart

Not much to report in terms of the cancer treatment, changes, etc. other than I am growing eyebrows and eyelashes again! It seems like just last week I had hardly any eyebrows or lashes and then all of a sudden I noticed that when I removed my drawn-on eyebrows, not as much brown rubbed off last night!

And I was informed by a friend who drove up from Nashville and stayed the night that I had bedhead in two places this morning! I was thrilled to know that my hair is continuing to fill in and look more non-chemo-esque.

I am continuing to stretch my arm throughout the day to help with the 'cording' that seems to be now slowly creeping from my armpit into my wrist area now as I stretch. I'm really hoping the lymphedema specialist can help with this.

As for my heart and spirit through it, I still am strong. I am resting and hoping in God to use me however He chooses.

I will share that this week has been one that really caused me moments of deep, quiet sadness for different reasons and different people. Why people choose to think and act the way they do sometimes, I really don't understand. It is true that beside Christ, everyone will disappoint at some time, even me. I am the worst offender at times. Oh, that this world would be able to experience Your eternal restoration! Thank you, Jesus, for making that possible one day! For now, I need to keep my eyes on You, Lord, because You are all that is always True, Good, Loving, Honorable, Redeeming, and Kind. You are my Lord, my King, my Savior, my One and only. Thank you for glimpses of Your Kingdom while I am here. I see it in the beauty of the song by my friend Deb S., the gentle touch on my cheek from my husband, the quiet of snowfall in our woods, the just-because call from my children, the laughter of my step grand-children, the Psalm that speaks to my heart, the sound of a waterfall, the scent of a balsam candle, the crackle of a campfire, the love of family and friends, the view of Your majestic creation, the innocence of a newborn, and the smell of baking cookies with a cold glass of Organic Valley Grassmilk!  These are things I choose to think about as I remember God's love for me and you.

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