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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Day December 13, 2016 Scans, Snow, and Ice Cream

Up at 5 am to be at the hospital by 6:45 a.m. The first test performed was a nuclear bone scan. After my port was accessed, I was injected with a radio isotope and waited for 2 hours before they scanned me. It was painless, but took a long time. I was seen at 7 a.m. and was finished at 11 a.m.

Then I went to CT imaging and was told to drink a bottle of some water like liquid within the next 1.5 hours. This was for the CT scans and again, painless and fast once I drank the solution for contrast. The hardest part was getting more liquid swallowed, even with fresh squeezed lemon!

Thankfully,  when it was all over and I started heading home, I was greeted by the most glorious snowy woods where John's shop is. I went for a walk by myself and had some much needed alone God time. I sang songs of worship, prayed, and cried. As much as I know I need to trust and as much as I can, I am. However, not knowing if tomorrow or Thursday I will discover whether or not I have metastasized cancer is quite unnerving.  But it could  not have been more beautiful in our Wonderly Woods and I have joy in knowing I am heard and seen and loved by my Heavenly Father

Then for the cherry on the top, we received a Christmas gift today from a dear friend of ours, Michael K. He knows my weakness for Graeter's Peppermint Ice Cream and home made chocolate ganache and he lovingly provided the ice cream....feeling very thankful for friends who surprise me with such thoughtful gifts! I also cried when I opened this.  It's a sign that I must need some. Lots of tears today as I feel heavy and wonder about the results from today's tests. Perhaps it will ease my mind.

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