Blog Archive

Monday, November 14, 2022

Miracles and Beauty Abound

I will start this post by saying that I know it has been several days since I last entered in my journal. The reason I delayed in writing anything was because I wanted to wait until the day I have been anticipating for many, many months… That is, the birth of my very first grandchild! I will start this blog by sharing that the miracle of my granddaughter has finally arrived! Everyone is doing wonderfully and the baby is healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes! She truly is a miracle baby for me in so many ways! Her mom and dad are still wrapping up the final details of doctors and nurses coming and going before they make a public announcement with her photos and her name so I will withhold that until after they have made it official, but thankfully I am able to at least share that she is here and healthy and simply scrumptious!

Anything else I share will not compare to the beauty of seeing my daughter, son-in-law and my granddaughter… However, my last few days have been filled with beauty and nature that is some of the most spectacular and majestic creation I’ve ever experienced!

Grand Teton National Park
Gros Ventre canyon’s red fox
Gros Ventre’s bull moose
Picnic’s restaurant Best avocado toast
Green Teton hiking trail to Taggart Lake
Jackson’s elk refuge has big horned sheep
Grand Tetons 
Grand Teton hike
Frozen fog 
Iconic Jackson pic
Creek running through Grand Teton
Taggart Lake with my crazy husband dressed in shorts and my body guard!
A Narnia-like walk in the woods
Hiking 4.2 miles around Taggart Lake
My gnome and me! 

Keeping my heart fixed on my walk with God. Asking all along the way for His Presence, guidance and peace. Receiving His miracle after miracle. Humbling myself always. Choosing gratitude. Asking God to use my life however He pleases. Praying for continued physical healing. Remembering how brief our time here truly is and knowing our potential impact on others matters…therefore letting go of any hatred, bitterness, resentment, deceit, unholiness, pride, and entitlement. Praying for my own reconciliation and reparation with others where there may be brokenness and hurt. Honoring my honest feelings while practicing non-violent communication. Seeking wisdom from the Lord. And authentically choosing joy today! 

If I can remember all that, it’sa good day!!


Anonymous said...

SWaying with joy for you and your family. That last paragraph is full of life lessons that will guide so many back to Jesus’ liove and God’s plans. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I’m so in love with this post!!! I knew you would still be here to see that sweet baby be born! Congratulations!! Our God is such a miracle working God 🙌🏻. All praise and honor to HIM!!

Anonymous said...

The above post is from Kelly Innes 😊

Sue Baldwin said...

Congratulations! I’m sure you are anxious to hold that new bundle of joy.

Anonymous said...

Tricia, you are a true inspiration to us all! May God bless you and yours with continued life and happiness! Congratulations on new granddaughter! One of life’s most precious blessings!