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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Day 15 Not Much to Report...Just A Normal Journal

Nothing really to say about my diagnosis or treatment. It was not a normal day in that Sarah is here as she heals from her shoulder surgery, so we are enjoying time with her and Connor. Also, we had a birthday party for Lily Mae Pieniasek. She is the daughter of Jordan and Liz whom I referred to in earlier blogs. It was a nice day to see my Red Door friends and celebrate a little lady who has captured so many people's hearts.

I do have a friend who has shared lots of information with me about a Dr. Axe who has helped his mother heal from cancer without chemo or radiation and has a radical alternative method to do it. She also wants me to consider going to a homeopathic clinic in Mexico where people are getting healed from cancer in a very non-traditional way. She would love me to trust that and not have to undergo such extreme treatments as traditional docs recommend. I wish I knew it was true  that it could do that kind of miracle reversal of cancer. Unfortunately, I can't say I trust it completely to heal a person. That being said, I am not opposed to homeopathy and I have already made radical changes in my lifestyle choices. Since May 10th, I have gone exclusively to an organic paleo diet. That means no sugar, no grains, no alcohol, no dairy diet. It's not cheap to eat this way, but I must admit, it feels good to be so decisive in this because I know I'm only putting healthy, cell-building foods in my body. I am also taking measures to not put unnecessary chemicals in my body or on my skin so I'm not going to color my hair any more, not going to wear make-up or deodorant. It's crazy to some, but seems like the only logical thing to someone who wants to heal from cancer.

Looking forward to church tomorrow with my Red Door family. I love being around those people. It's the best church family I've ever known. I wish everyone could feel loved and cared for the way this community has demonstrated to me in the past 5 years.

I don't really feel like all this is real. It's like it's happening to someone I know and I'm just getting information for them. I guess that will all change once I start treatment. For now, I appreciate every person, every day and the little things that I might not have once life gets more intense with all the treatments.


Holly B said...

Oh girl your know how I feel about chemicals and plastic! I had that out of body experience when you sprayed me with WD40:). Lots of organic beauty products to choose from now and henna is a great alternative to conventional hair coloring, and would probably work great on your dark hair. You're beautiful either way! Holly B

Tricia Wonderly said...

Holly B! Hello, love. Tried henna once and it actually did not work on my hair, plus, right now, I don't want to put anything on my hair, skin, or in my body that is suspicious as a chemical that's not necessary. I'm going for the Silver!

Holly B said...

You will rock the silver and may give me the nerve to do the same. Love you!