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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Day 23 Thankful for the Next Two Weeks of Normal

John and I had some dear friends from Red Door Church come by last night for a campfire and we just hung out sharing and laughing and enjoying a beautiful Saturday evening together. We also have had some of our favorite young couples, the Binders, come back for a Wonderly Weekend and spend precious time just doing life together...eating amazing food, having meaningful conversations, enjoying the gazebo magic in our backyard and serving each other in the most real Christian way I've ever experienced. I am such an extrovert, that this time with family and friends fills me up and energizes me. I see how God provides for me in ways I couldn't do myself. I have seen how He takes care of me through others' love and sincerity and humility.

All that said, I am relishing in the normality of it all as I live life the way we typically do, yet in the back of my mind, I know there is a time coming when I will have to meet the oncologist on June 13th and hear what he has to say. Then after that, it appears my next steps will be something that will direct my life very differently for a time. I am thankful that most of the time I am able to process it well and see the gift in 'today'. However, last night I woke up and felt that fear of what is about to happen and was imagining the upcoming surgery and treatment. I felt like the enemy was using my sleep to slip in fear and awaken me...however, God is so good!  I woke up John and asked him to hold me. I prayed and fell asleep relatively quickly. When I woke up, that fear was no where to be found. Praise God!

Now John and I are going hiking for the afternoon at Glen Helen, near Yellow Springs. Thank you, Lord for my family and friends who are praying. Bless them and let them know that it's their prayers that are keeping me so positive!

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