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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day 19 Making Lots of Appointments

Today I scheduled 2 appointments with medical oncologists. One with Dr. Robert Cody, who works at Christ Hospital with Dr. Manders and the second opinion one with Dr. Darnell, who works at OHC. I tried a couple other med oncs with that OHC group but they cannot see me until a week or more later and I don't want to wait any longer than I have to since my first biopsy was May 6th. I am scheduled with them both on June 13th, which is great to have a first and second opinion appt right after the other because it will all be so fresh on my mind.

Since I am waiting for the oncotype results, I need to wait this long to see the  oncologists to know if chemo is going to be beneficial for me or not. Oncotype gives a number between 1-100 and depending on the number I get from my tissue samples, I will know if my cells will respond to chemo well or not.  If it is a high number, it's chemo first; if it's a low number, surgery first.

I also scheduled an appointment with Dr. Schneider, an orthopedic doctor, to evaluate my torn rotator cuff. My surgeon is concerned about all this being on my left side and how easily she can or cannot manipulate my shoulder during surgery if it's in such pain. That appointment is next week to discuss options.

I called to my nurse navigator, Vicki Estridge, today and she was very helpful in answering all my 5000 questions. She agreed that it's ok to have a second opinion for an oncologist. She calmed my nerves when I told her that the lump in my left breast that I could not feel before is now larger and very noticeable. She thinks it's a hematoma from the biopsy and to ice it. She also suggested I contact my gynecologist to ask about screening my ovaries, if I am concerned. She also suggested a support group that can help with stress relief which I definitely need; and activities to help me be distracted...which I don't really need. Between working full-time, calling doctors, learning about this whole treatment and disease process, spending time with friends and especially John, having my sweet daughter home to recover from shoulder surgery, and just being who I am, I don't need extra distractions.

So thankful for my sister, Karen, whom I call often to bounce things off of...she is my greatest help right now in talking things through with, whether it be me telling her I'm scared and feeling weepy or want to know how to proceed with a doctor or how to handle a nurse who says something that ruffled my feathers...she's there to listen, encourage, and offer a good word!

I am also so thankful for people like Ruth Ann Pinnick who called me out of the blue and offered to come to my house and give me a free massage to help me.  Ruth Ann is my pastor's sister, a massage therapist, and someone I've only met a handful of times, but when the Lord puts people on her heart, she responds and I am so thankful.  My neck muscles have been feeling strained and achy for 2 weeks now and I think it's where all my stress is settling. So, YES! I will take her up on that.

Heading home now to spend the evening with my daughter and husband. I have tomorrow totally off!  Friday my friend, Lynne Albrecht, is taking me to my MRI appt so John can keep working. Hopefully this weekend will be a normal, non-medical, happy, family holiday...I am told that what's next is going to be very difficult, so I will be appreciating every moment with those I love.

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