Blog Archive

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Day 8 Going Public

Without question, my biggest concern yesterday was talking to Jonathan.  He was like me when he first heard: he just wanted the facts. Then we talked about normal life stuff, went to dinner, then when I was going to bed, he said he needed to just leave and go for a drive to process. When I woke up at 6 am, he made me a cup of tea then went back to bed. So, thanks for praying. So far, it's calm. I'll spend a couple hours reading the literature Dr Palmer gave me. It's an entire binder full of reading material.

My torn rotator cuff hurts worse than my biopsy sites now, which is my normal for the time being.

The breast surgeon I wanted to have a second opinion with never did call me yesterday. I called them finally at 3 pm and they said that the doctor wasn't in to ask where she could fit me in so they will call me on Monday after asking her. Sounds like scheduling with her might be challenging. I'll see. Also my sister, Karen, ask another doctor who they recommend and a Dr Jaime Lewis name came up. I'll call her on Monday and inquire about a second opinion. .

I've decided to post my blog on my Facebook wall so others who might want to know what's going on can read about this new journey I'm on.

Manna for my day: Psalm 136:4 Give thanks to the Lord who alone does mighty miracles. His faithful love endures forever.


Unknown said...

So glad you had early detection -- kudos to John! I am flossing like a maniac --thinking about you. I don't pray often but you got a bunch last night….pray, fight, believe! Michael

Tricia Wonderly said...

Michael, you have no idea how it touches me that you would pray. I can say the same for you...pray, fight, believe. Tricia