Blog Archive

Monday, July 18, 2016

Day 73 Blogging With Chemo Brain

Yesterday is a bit of a blur right now as I sit here typing with my eyes closed due to the chemo brain feeling that is invading my body right now.

I know John and I went to Caesar's Creek and kayaked and it was lovely. I imagined I was in Quetico and listened to the birds, the swoosh of John's paddle in the water, and felt the sunshine on my face on a cool Sunday morning. Magical moment. I'm clearly missing Quetico right now as I seem to bring it up often. Thankfully, John placates me.

If the afternoon, we went to Victoria Theatre to watch Wizard of Oz with our sweet Binder friends. It was so nice being with them and seeing their smiles and receiving their hugs. As for the show, it was good. I guess I like Wizard of Oz as much now as I did as a kid and to say I liked it, but not loved it would be more truthful. The monkeys and witch still are creepy as a 49 year old. No matter, we were out, feeling good and with friends.

For dinner, we had Mike and Andrea Moorehead come up for BLT sandwiches and a time visiting in the gazebo. So good seeing old friends.

We had such a packed day, that by the time they left, I fell face first into my bed and was asleep in seconds. The best part of a day like that on the day before my chemo, is I don't much think of the upcoming chemo. A huge plus!

Woke this morning to rain and light thunder. I love mornings like that. We hung out in the gazebo and then got off to my appointment. Lynne Albrecht, from Red Door church, came all the way to my house to pick me up, stayed with me the entire treatment, took me to Pies and Pints, came back to my house, made me cabbage rolls and attended to my ever increasing chemo effects as the afternoon went on. I don't have English words to express my gratitude of this magnitude! I feel so loved.

Two answers to prayer: My friend, Deb, who I said was having a biopsy found out it was negative!! AMEN
My chemo dosing today was the best of the three. The Cytoxan usually give me a nasty brain rush of drug that feels wrong in my brain. I hate it. But I only had minor effects like tingling in my nose and a tingling/uncomfortable weirdness in my eyes and brain and strong metal taste in my mouth, but not horrible.  After lunch at Pies and Pints, we got home and now it's starting to kick in. I'm losing energy, getting very foggy brained, and feel a little shaky and a little clammy. I think I will sleep well tonight, but I will probably try that new anti-nausea drug they gave me called Phenogren.

That's all I have energy for today. No promises tomorrow or Wednesday, but please say a prayer that I will be well enough to go to Jackson, WY on Friday afternoon. Thank you, dear ones.

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