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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 74 Chemo Brain Prayed Away! Praise Jesus!!

So yesterday I definitely started my evening out with the typical feelings of side effects similar to how they felt the first two rounds of chemo. However, they were a little different and now I think I know why.

This time compared to the first two times, when I had the Cytoxan, my nose got tingly, my eyes felt heavy and they there was some pressure behind them, but I never got that woosh of heavy poison flowing through my brain like before. It's a very uncomfortable feeling and one I hate the most on chemo infusion day! So when I did not get it, THAT was answer to prayer! Also, in the evening this time, I had also felt a headache coming on, weakness, hot and cold flashes, shakiness, stomach churning, and by 7 pm or so, I would take an anti-nausea pill. I used to take Zofran but it made me feel horrible, so they switched me to Phenergan this time. THAT did not give me a headache at all when I woke up throughout the night, nor did I even get a headache beforehand! THAT is another answer to prayer!

Now it's 4 am, which is not too early considering I went to bed at 7 pm last night, and guess what? No headache, no chemo brain, no stomach churning, nothing. I feel a little weak and shaky only! THAT, my sweet Jesus, it a huge answer to prayer!

And what do I think is different from a treatment point of view? People prayed for my doctors and nurses and this is what happened: First, the doctor decided to give me extra fluids this time before giving me the chemo drugs. It's possible I was slightly dehydrated before receiving them in the past and this time they made sure I was well hydrated. Also, the change of anti-nausea meds made a marked improvement. If anyone loves Zofran, I have a few you can have. I'll never touch those dastardly little pills again! They were part of my awful horrible response. Yes, I know it's illegal to give your rx meds to someone else...I'm just sayin...I have some that I'll never use.

So now, I am bright-eyed, making a cup of chamomile tea, am going to sit in my gazebo and listen to and sing along with some amazing worship songs that make my heart happy. I read a psalm the other day that reminded me that a faithful heart worships and I am in desperate need of some worship time. I have not been to church in over a month in order to stay away from all those little buggers lurking on the hands and kisses of so many little kiddos and their parents in a crowded church. And so to protect myself, I have been instructed to stay home on Sundays. Missing my Red Door family, big time! So Lord, here I come...with such a thankful heart!
King of my heart by Sarah McMillan

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