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Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 77 Permission Granted To Travel!

So much of my life these days is surrounded by how I'm feeling after receiving chemotherapy. It's tiring living it, so I'm sure it could be tiring reading about it. But today great news was given!

This week was especially important to me, personally, as we had planned vacation months ago to visit friends in Jackson, WY and do some wilderness camping there. Granted, I've been informed that the camping part can't happen due to risk of being injured and not having immediate medical care, but that does not mean we cannot enjoy beautiful Jackson! (It does mean I don't have to worry about being attacked by a grizzly while camping, which was a real fear I had!) My doctor told me that so long as my white blood count was good, I could go. Well, today those numbers were so good, that I almost wondered if they were too good! Seriously! My WBC should be between 3-5 yet with my Neulasta drug to stimulate WBC, mine was 100! I asked if it could be too high and the nurses assured me that it was just due to the drug I got on Tuesday and it would go down. In fact, one nurse told me she could not believe my bones were not in a ton of pain, as that is one of the side effects of Neulasta. Thankfully, I've had none this time. So in 12 hours, I should be packed and loading onto an airplane that will take me to one of my favorite places. It truly is a gift that I can go on this trip and I personally want to thank each person who whispered a prayer on my behalf to be able to enjoy God's magnificent creation in the Tetons.

And a sincere thanks to Michael K. for the sacrificial driving all the way to Springboro, again, to take me to my appointment. There was no way I could have driven on my own. In fact, I shut my eyes almost the entire drive because of car sickness I feel when driving this soon after chemo. Thank you, again!

As for my day yesterday before the doctor appointment, I was given the gift of sweet friendship in the company of Megan Lubbers and her foster baby...a little 5 lb bundle of a beautiful girl! While I didn't feel terrible yesterday, I also was a bit weak and took things slowly. Megan is one of the most loving and beautiful mothers I've ever seen and having them here was perfect for my energy level and needs of my heart.

I also successfully went the entire day with no anti-nausea meds!  None...I found that eating every 2 hours helped stave off that feeling of yuck.

After enjoying a healthy, delicious dinner brought to us by the Chase's, I was surprised that I had energy to pack last night. Jackson will be in the high 80's during the day and high 30's /low 40's at night! I convinced John to bring his fly rod and do some fishing while there. He is a man who needs a vacation in a serious way! I know all this cancer care and constant reminder of this disease has to wear on a person, especially the one who takes the most care of me, like him. He never complains and is the most loving and supportive husband I could dream of!  What a gift I have in John Wonderly.

In fact, I want to thank each person again who has volunteered to help us and care for me during this time. It certainly has not been easy and your love is evident. The prayers, phone calls, cards, flowers, gifts, emails, visits, financial support, meals, etc...thank you for showing us your love! It is not taken for granted.

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