Blog Archive

Friday, July 29, 2016

Day 84 Answer to So Many Prayers & Wildlife Galore

Today and yesterday were awesome in many, many ways.

First, I was having a conversation with our friends out here and Burr shared with me about a woman in Jackson, WY who is an avid kayaker and had the most amazing thing happen to her many years ago.  So after some details of her and her son's death, I looked her up on Google because what he shared about her was unbelievable! There were several Youtube videos about her and when I watched a particular video, I would say God definitely supernaturally used her life's story and near death experience to help me understand a completely different context of my breast cancer, of my sweet friend, Jordan Pieniasek's death, and the critical nature of sharing that video with every single person that reads my blog and Facebook page. Her name is Mary Neal. If you are reading this, I would ask each person to take an hour out of their lives and invest in understanding God, illness, life and death in a whole new way.  It rocked my world and I consider this the greatest gift I have received to date. I would love to share it with you, too.  After watching this twice now, I have been also blessed with the gift of being able to meet with Mary Neal personally tomorrow. She knows Burr and Linda from church and Burr has taught her other children in school, so he simply called her and asked if she would be willing to meet with us so I could share how impacted my life has been because she was willing to share her experience.  Please take the time to watch this:

Next, today the wildfires in the area are causing some real issues with smoke completely impeding the view of the mountains, so we laid low in the morning and went for an afternoon activity instead. Thankfully, by late afternoon, it cleared enough to enjoy some scenery. The first activity was going to a raptor rescue center where we saw bald eagles, a great grey owl, peregrine falcon, and golden eagle. Driving past some forest land, we saw a herd of elk. Then tonight while were were sitting on our friend's deck eating dinner, we witnessed an osprey with a trout in its talons being chased by a bald eagle, chased by a blackbird. They all went around the house and over the Snake River in their back yard for 3-4 minutes until the bald eagle won and got the fish from the osprey. Amazing to watch God's creation in action like that!

I am thankful that I am feeling so great now! I am fully aware how tired I get with minimal activity from being so sedentary in the past 6 weeks! But I feel wonderful, finally!

Lastly, I am wondering if any local friends are interested in hanging out with me to Tricia-sit for a few hours next week while John is working and I am recovering from my next chemo session? Please let me know if you are at all interested. I'm pretty boring, but want to be sure I have someone to just sit with should I need help.

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