Blog Archive

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 76 Looking Good For Friday

As I said in my previous day's blog, I woke up with energy yesterday. That's something I'll never take for granted again! However, after I laid back down, I was not so energetic for the rest of the day. I think that one chore used most of the energy I had for the day. I was mostly energy-less and a little woozy  throughout the day. I was still miles better than the previous 2 treatments, so I am grateful.

A patient of mine, Michael K., kindly gave of his time yesterday morning to sit with me and get me soup and water and tend to my needs. It's such a blessing when I see God working in my life like this and how generous so many people are with their time and resources. I'm still blown away at God's Hand in my care and people's willingness to help me in my time of need. God is using you, Michael! I never realized just how much help people needed when going through chemo! It's exhausting to be me right now. I feel badly asking for help but I know I need it, so I have learned to ask for what I need and I'm so thankful for those who can give.

I felt like I napped most of the day yesterday and my energy level got more and more zapped as the day went on. That may have been due to the anti-nausea meds, but at least I got in lots of rest.

A neighbor stopped by for a couple hours to encourage me and serve me and pray with me. Thank you, Janie! I am so blessed to have so many people who display God's love to me!

Last night I was wiped out and in bed pretty early, which meant I was up at 4 a.m. today, but I feel more refreshed today! I've already found the energy to do dishes, make eggs, and blog. Not bad for my morning. I'm hoping I won't need anti-nausea meds today. I am going to get blood work done this afternoon and if my numbers are good, I will get to go on vacation! That would be an answer to many people's prayers! I'm thankful my doctor is ok with me going so long as my WBC count is good. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

5:30 am Time to lay down...feeling a little spent.

Woke up at 7 am out in my gazebo. I love falling asleep out there in the early morning because I get to hear the crickets chirping and I pretend I'm in my hammock in Quetico, Canada. I was a little shaky when I woke up and needed to rest, so I showered and shaved my head, then ate. It's an odd thing to take a razor to my head every morning, but there is just a little bit of hair growth still, so I smooth it all off and put on the Whipped Neem Balm.

Soon Megan Lubbers will be coming over with her foster baby and I am hoping to have energy today to pack for Jackson, WY.

I find myself needing to eat something about every 2 -3 hours or I get too nauseous. Crazy how my life has turned into managing my physical side effects. It's way more consuming than I ever realized.  I'm sorry to all my friends who I usually call upon and check in. My brain isn't working right yet.

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