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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Brenda Day #2

Sometimes a very special person enters your life so unexpectedly and you viscerally know it’s not you’re doing but God’s. That’s how it has turned out with Brenda. She’s a mountain biking coach from northern Wisconsin who happened to see something I posted last year and it got us communicating about her ordering name labels from a young friend of mine, LillyMae. That was it. Once the transaction was done, that was the end of our dialogue…until April 2022. After I was diagnosed, I posted something about my diagnosis on a Facebook group that both Brenda and I are part of called Mountain Biking Ladies. Immediately, Brenda contacted me and we talked in depth about what was going on with me. She asked if it would be ok to text me daily and I would reply with 3 things I was grateful that day. She would do the same. Faithfully for 4 months now, she has reached out to me and in those texts we have gotten to know each other better. She then asked if she could come visit me sometime, which of course I said yes!! So on Sunday night, very late, she arrived. We are doing as many adventurous activities as possible. Yesterday was so full that by the time we got home at midnight, I plopped down in bed without thinking about blogging! We spent the day driving 3 hours north to Cuyahoga National Park and we hiked to 3 glorious waterfalls and did a little biking. 

Then today she generously has given me such a gift. She offered to do a clinic on Mountain biking fundamentals for both LillyMae and me all afternoon. We worked hard learning new skills and practicing them! What fun!!!

After I mowed the grass at the shop and at home, this girl is ready for bed!! We are cramming as much into our time together as possible because Friday I have yet another chemo infusion and I want to continue celebrating the ability to do this much activity joyfully and gratefully!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous friend God sent you! Your days sound exhilarating and full of JoY! So happy for your energy and positivity, Tricia! Sending you lots of love and prayers for continued good times in the midst of this cancer journey!