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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Mae Day! And Day #1 of Metal Taste

Mae Day!! Means I got the joy of spending my entire day with truly a most wondrous LillyMae, again. Liz dropped her off in the morning to spend the day here and to work on our refurbishing project. It started with a birthday video with my favorite Aunt Ro where I got to sing and share my zinnia with her.

It turned into a day of test painting to see what color scheme we will love best for the chairs, cooking grilled cheese and gyoza, mountain bike riding new trails at MoMBA, baking a low sugar carrot cake from scratch because sweets really speak to me when my mouth starts tasting like metal, drinking pistachio cardamom lattes and loving a girl’s slumber party since John’s off to the rink playing hockey tonight. We drove home after biking literally thanking God for physical strength, great bikes, bodies that work, air conditioning, awaiting showers and the joy of friendship between us! Tell me this photo doesn’t put a smile on your face!!? We accidentally ended up on a black diamond trail called Hawk’s Lair that we rode for about 10 minutes before turning around, BUT we did it, at least some of it, so we had to celebrate! First bike lift for her!!

1 comment:

Zoey said...

Love this day, and truly thankful to the Lord that we were able to even start a double black trail! Wow, the Lord is amazing!