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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Lovely Day on the Day Before Chemo #4

 Making the day before chemo my, “Live your life as if it’s your last” kind of day. Started with sweet cuddles from my hubby as we chatted about our upcoming day and thanking him for his incredible love and devotion towards me in all this! 

Then I was surprised my dear friends Matt & Marisa with a beautiful card and gifts! So thoughtful and perfect! It is so appreciated! 

Then off to mountain bike with LillyMae in our favorite local spot, John Bryan State Park while listening to this Gratitude song by Brandon Lake! She’s so natural on a mountain bike and while I’m no mountain bike coach, I had a few pointers to share that she learned quickly: light hands & heavy feet, look where you want to go, body positions over the bike, etc…such a joy to spend hours with this godly 13 year old! And she approached several fun, adventurous spots with a racing heart and confidence that she could do it!! And she did!! So proud of her! 

We took a break and read from a wonderful booklet that I got from my cousin, LuEllyn. It’s called, Practicing God’s Presence by Brother Lawrence! A must read to refresh my focus! There are several iterations available but this is the one I have. Just a small sampling of the treasure this book holds!

Then I got to see some precious friends at my former place of work while I got a crown put in. Yes, I was coronated! And I can’t wait to see them all again! Before I left I at least snapped a quick snapshot of Nicole and Gaby. But there are so many I love there!! 
Came home and made a favorite summer meal of BLTs, talked and prayed with friends, family and loved ones, packed my meals for tomorrow, cleaned the house so it feels fresh when I return after chemo tomorrow then off to bed. So much to be grateful for! 

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