Blog Archive

Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 42 The Day After My Port Placement

Yesterday I really did not post anything as I was pretty preoccupied with my discomfort from the port, felt foggy-brained all day, and could not do a lot physically. I ran a couple errands to the pharmacy, which almost wiped me out.  I called doctors for my blood work results, since they sort of lost them for 2 days and we had to track them down. I had a series of emails and phone calls with a couple people that was very distressing, and had to meet with Bill Gaver, my cranial prosthetic specialist, aka, wig maker (that was just a weird appointment thinking of the reality of losing my long black hair), and enjoyed the company of Liz Pieniasek, my dear friend, who lost her husband last month to that tragic motorcycle accident. She brought over her 3 year old daughter, Zoe, who of course, immediately asked me what the bandage on my chest was for to which I had to explain a chemotherapy port in a way that made sense to a 3 year old. At the end of the day, I was spent, but I did get to sleep next to Liz as we talked and prayed about the timing of our life's events and how God is using these sufferings for His glory, despite our own personal failures and frailties. Becoming a widow at 31 and being diagnosed with cancer at 49 have nothing to do with each other, but somehow, God knit our lives together in a way that brings comfort to us both as we grieve what should have been and how incredibly vulnerable, exposed, and painful all this is.

Now John and I are heading out to visit my family so I can see my dad for Father's Day. I am looking  forward to seeing everyone before all this treatment starts as I may not see most of them until all this is over a year from now as I won't be up for much travel.

As for my port's a bit sore and tight but manageable.

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