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Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 52 Pain from Neulasta isn't so much fun as of today, meh!

As of this afternoon, I officially don't like the side effect of Neulasta!  About two hours ago my lower back started aching, and now it's simply spasming and hurts more than I expected. I thought that since I had the drug 6 days ago and had no effects from it so far, I was in the clear...but no.  When the nurse mentioned that it's common to feel the effects at day 7-10 the most, I realized that I may be in for some uncomfortable days.  I just arrived home from the oncologist appointment where they took blood and it looked good. Praise God!

Now I'm heading off to take a nap and have a date with a heating pad.

I did call the American Cancer Society today and asked about any organizations that help with different needs and I'll see what might be available there since I will have 3 months of no income until my long term disability insurance kicks in.

Too achy to type more.... :(

 Just woke up and the heating pad helped some, along  with Tylenol, but my energy level is about a zero. I've never felt so lethargic in my life since all this chemo started. It's so unlike me, but I don't even have energy to care or be upset about it.  One disappointment with that is the lack of cooking for myself. I don't really have the humpf to do much food prep, so I need to work on making a few meals and freezing them. With my strict eating  these days, I just need to find some meals and make them as asking anyone to try and help would be more than I am comfortable asking. Paleo + Dr.  Aukerman + my appetite = limited, restricted, hungry me. I will work on this tomorrow.

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