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Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 45 Chemo Day #1

First Day of chemo.  My husband, John, and my daughter, Sarah Jean, came in with me for the whole visit which was very nice.  I went  in feeling normal. Had blood work done and I had good blood to start. Pumped me full of anti-nausea meds first through my port. Just started the first chemotherapy drug and ate a bite of dark chocolate and fresh raspberries. The Cytoxin made my head feel a little foggy, eyes watered and nose kinda tingled as drugs began to kill my cancer cells and pump through my body. I was in a great frame of mind the whole time. I got a little arm buddy that is attached to the back of my arm to dispense my Neulasta tomorrow. I flinched a second in anticipation of it attaching to my arm but it was no biggy.

After my very easy first chemo appointment, we went to lunch first and I broke my healthy diet to have a celebratory small scoop of Graeter's black raspberry chip ice cream.

Such an outpouring of love from so many friends and family today. Thank you!

When I got home I did start feeling foggy brained and woozy a little.  I checked with the doctor and he said that it's not uncommon, but I could take some antinausea medication or Tylenol if I needed it.

I  drove Sarah to her orthopedic appointment for a follow up and did pretty well driving, but definitely felt like I could only focus on one thing and don't feel much like chatting or making decisions. I just wanted to drive and get there so I can go home and lay down.

It's getting to be later in the night, and I'm definitely feeling more of a headache and more noxiousness. I'm gonna take some meds and hit the sack.

Jesus, I'm in your hands completely.

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