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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 48 A Pretty Good Day

When I woke up at 3 a.m. from a tornado-like storm outside, I did get a few crackers in me and before long we were all asleep again. Thankfully, today, I did not feel the need to have anti-nausea meds until tonight, so I actually went out to breakfast with friends and our kids, then went for a walk in our woods for an hour or so. It was awesome being outside in the fresh air. While we were in the Wonderly Woods, our friends graciously prayed over me and I am so thankful for such dear people in my life. I am so overwhelmed by the loving kindness and thoughtfulness of so many people God has placed for such a time.

Tonight I'm on my own as the kids have scattered and the hubs is playing hockey for a couple hours! I keep telling him how important it is for him to continue doing normal life activities, even if I cannot go with him.

I did make my first Vitamix drink tonight and had about 1/2 of it before I realized that my tummy just wouldn't settle. I think I waited too long to eat dinner and I thought food would calm my hunger/nauseousness down. It looked delicious with fresh pineapple, mint, and kale, however, I will see how the other half goes down tomorrow. I look forward to lots of easy fruit/veggie smoothies with that as cooking and food prep seems to overwhelm me these days.

Since my energy level is very low again today, I did ask the oncology nurse about it and she suggested that it's because my steroid they gave on Monday has worn off and this is a more normal energy level to expect with the chemo. Thankfully, though, my nauseousness is not anything to complain about today and now I'm putting myself to bed for hopefully another 12 hours of sleep!

Today, I started reading from a book I recently received called Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing.

Psalm 90:14 "Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. "

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