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Monday, September 5, 2022

Homeward Bound from OH to IL

As of last night I’ve encountered some of the more notable and physically tiring side effects of Taxotere. I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that I started developing neuropathy in my feet and experienced a little chemo diarrhea. Last night was a very interesting night of waking every two hours to take Imodium and in between, running to the bathroom… I had diarrhea at least 5 to 6 times last night so I have a significant amount of Imodium in my body at this point in time. And probably some dehydration! Unfortunately, the result of waking up that much caused me to be extremely tired today.

I stopped to grab a bagel before leaving Peoria for the drive home as I left Peoria, Illinois and within 25 minutes, I was feeling VERY tired and urp-y! I pulled over into an empty parking lot and laid back in my seat.

Two hours later I woke up and was jolted out of the car to vomit everything I had eaten for breakfast! Fortunately I felt much better and continued driving the remaining five hours. I only stopped one other time to take a nap! It felt like the longest drive I’ve ever experienced from Illinois to Ohio in the past 20 years!

I will say I’m thankful I love listening to audiobooks because I finished that amazing book I had written about before called “Non-violent Communication“ by Marshall Rosenberg. Truly it is going to be the best book on communication I think I will ever implement in my own life. If you haven’t looked into reading this for yourself, I would strongly urge you to check it out! If there is even one person in your life where it seems you have any conflict or strain, I would suggest looking into reading and digesting this amazing tool. I believe this is a book my cousin, Bruce Parmenter, would have strongly promoted and suggested to me.

Once I arrived back home in Ohio at 7:30 pm, I made a pot of rice and had a drink with banana and lots of ice and water to hydrate myself and continue with the BRAT diet.

So today I’m thankful for so many people, especially my cousins Pam and Todd again…it’s a rich gift when cousins can be as close or even closer than siblings and it makes me wonder if our great grandmother prayed for us without ever knowing us! Pam and Todd share their love, life, home, heart and apples so freely! 

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