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Thursday, September 22, 2022

So So Good Still

Today I can praise God for feeling so well after 6 days post chemo! Many other treatments landed me in bed on Day 6 after having chemo infusions but I’m thanking God that today there weren’t any fatigue side effects! 

Most of my day consisted of shuttling my husband from the Freightliner repair shop to home and back again! That’s 3 hours of driving alone! And on top of it, I got to visit some very special friends down in Cincinnati! That added an additional 2 hours of driving today! I could grumble a bit, but hey!! I’m alive to drive, so I’ll be grateful that I CAN help my hubby, I CAN drive 5 hours in a day without being full of steroids and I made it another day with a grateful heart. 

I had the joy of visiting with some of our favorite younger friends and their children, ate Monica’s delicious healthy food and got to be in awe of the tremendously beautiful parents these fine friends have become in the past 5 years!

I also was blessed to talk with a special friend that I met because of our similar first breast cancer diagnosis 6 years ago. Karen M will always hold a special place in my heart as we traverse this planet at the same time. Our paths crossing was not a mistake and for her I’m especially grateful tonight!

Physically things are pretty stable. Diarrhea issues resolved quickly with Imodium, as usual. Metallic taste is back. My skin is only kinda messed up. Cracked lip, cracked inside my nose again, and a few unmentionable areas have skin issues. But it’s my hope and prayer that in a few weeks as my skin repairs AND I no longer have chemo drugs in me that these skin issues will all resolve. I am aware of my ribcage but it’s not painful and for some odd reason my pulse seems to be higher than I’d expect. I noticed when I got out of the bath tub that my heart was pounding fast so I checked with my pulse oximeter and pulse was around 94-103 resting. Oxygen was between 95-98. I’ll want to monitor this again.

Since I took no photos today, I’ll post these for fun!

Today my beautiful daughter is so adorable as she shows me her sweet daughter that’s the size of a pineapple! 33 weeks today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SJ looks FABULOUS!!! Love your daily reports. Mostly, I love you are here! Enjoying God’s gifts. Your husband. Sunshine. ❤️🙏 FP