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Friday, September 30, 2022

Checklist Kind of Day

I’m thanking God that my breathing and achy ribs weren’t noticeable today! The only real chemo side effects I have had to deal with is diarrhea x 4!!! It’s really not a big deal… A little Imodium and a lot of water fixes that issue quite quickly.

I decided last week to stop shaving my head and let what hair is growing continue to grow without shaving it. Not all of my hair fell out during the chemo…probably 50%. So while my hair hasn’t really started the regrowth process from what fell out, I’m going to try seeing how it looks with what’s currently growing. So now my head feels like peach fuzz!

Today was a full day of checking off many boxes on my checklist from hours of cleaning the house and putting away camping gear to selling things on Facebook marketplace and getting ready to bake a loaf of homemade sourdough bread.

My very dear friend, Karen, took me out to lunch for my birthday in Waynesville, OH at a Victorian tea house where we tried delicious scones, finger sandwiches and desserts! Delicious and sugar overload would describe it! I’m so grateful for the love she showered on me for such a special birthday treat! The proprietor was kind enough to even share a couple of her recipes with me!

I fed my sourdough starter today so tomorrow morning I will get to try my hand at sourdough bread for the third time… Hopefully it will be better this time than the first two!

Another highlight of my day was receiving a phone call from my South Korean daughter, Jumi, who is currently in Cambridge and studying for her PhD in economics! I love the heart she has for Jesus and I am always so grateful when my international kids reach out to their American mom! Isn’t she radiant!!

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