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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Made It To 56!

It’s 3 am now and I just woke up to a sensation of light pressure under my ribs that concerns me. It immediately caused me to continue talking to God about what’s going on physically. Yes, I want to remain in a place of gratitude regardless of my circumstances. And yes, I asked to be reminded that I don’t need to fear the future. And even more…yes, I prayed that this body would be healed and I’d live to a ripe old age feeling great the whole way well into my 80’s, 90’s or more! And to God be the glory ALL the way! And that I’d accept with grace whatever happens in my life even if those things happen differently. 

Now I need to try sleeping a bit more before the sun rises on my birthday!

It’s 7 am now and I’m awake again for the day. Spent time reading in The Passion Translation in the book of Romans. It’s when I’m reading and listening to God’s Word that I remember best Whose I am and I’m comforted. I’m so thankful for this new day and all that it promises. 

Today I’m touched by all the love I’ve been shown from avocado toast for breakfast with my BFF and cards made by her amazing children!

Then off to my son’s house where we spent the afternoon together. Planted a pawpaw tree after eating one small pawpaw. Then to PF Changs for lunch followed by a 2 hour hike at Cincinnati Nature Preserve.  

Finally arrived home and was surprised to receive beautiful flowers from a dear friend, Lora!!

 Topped off the night with venison filet dinner by my hubby around a campfire and the sounds of wind chimes and burning crackling wood with the soft song of crickets chirping in the woods. A perfect night!

I’m so thankful to EVERYONE who called, texted, sent a card or gift, sang, or reached out in any way to remind me of your love and birthday wishes!! Thank you!! I feel loved!!


Anonymous said...

Oops… in my rush, I didn’t take time today to wish such a beautiful, passion filled, grace forgiven, Jesus loving, God created women wife mom & friend HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are here!! Loved by many!

Shelley Collis said...

I love you Tricia! Happy Birthday dear friend! Feeling the same way tonight. It is now 4am and holding onto the One who has us both in His grip .

Anonymous said...

So happy you had a wonderful birthday!!wish I was there for a hug!! Your so loved. Mom