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Friday, July 15, 2022

Chemo Day #3

Taking steroids the day before, during and after chemo made for waking up at 3 am today! Out the door by 6:15 and on the way God gave me this beautiful sunrise. 

I got to use my new chemo day bag for the first time that held everything in one place instead of 2 bags plus a cooler. And it’s so pretty. Makes me happy to see it. 

Started the day with a PT appointment, then on to the labs to access my port and blood draws.

Met with radiology for a follow up from my palliative radiation treatment on my rib from a few weeks ago. They were tickled pink that my pain is gone. Everything I explained to them was clear that my healing is definitely happening. 

Next, I met with my medical oncologist, Dr Sudheendra, who was thrilled at all the progress I’ve made since first seeing her when I was on oxygen full time and could hardly breathe. We discussed any current symptoms I’ve had these past 3 weeks and how I manage them, or not, and expectations for the future. She’ll do another MRI of my liver and a PET scan in 3 months to see the changes. I did ask her about taking steroids after the initial 3 days to help me not feel so cruddy on days 4-6. She approved a smaller dosage with a fair warning of potential side effects. But she approved it and I’m very hopeful this will help me to not feel as awful in week 1. 

Lastly, Chemo infusion time. I did get 50 mg oral Benadryl which didn’t make me sleepy for almost 1.5 hours but then I did nap and have felt drugged and groggy all afternoon. Between the drugged sensation and the extreme tiredness from being up at 3 am and receiving all those meds and having 5 appointments, this girl is spent! Slept off and on all afternoon. Made rice for dinner because I might have a little gastric distress starting already. 

I have a big praise for a miracle that happened today. While getting my chemo medication‘s, and before the Benadryl kicked in, I was able to do a little administrative personal business. John bought a Haven Tent hammock a year and a half ago and for some unknown reason, the air mattress developed several little pin holes and it doesn’t hold air now. I reached out to the company and asked if anyone else has had these problems and could I get a warranty replacement. They said because it’s been over a year the best they could do is offer me a 30% discount on buying a new one which is over $100 for the air mattress alone. I decided to share with them the situation I was in  medically and explain that I’m no longer working and wondered if there was any better discount they might be able to offer. Here is the email response I received that put tears in my eyes and I have to put in a plug for the customer service and the compassion that they showed  in offering a completely free new air mattress so long as I pay $6 for shipping! God is so so good to me!

Good night to all my prayer warriors and caring family and friends. Thank each and everyone who has shown me such love. I don’t take you for granted and I pray a blessing over each of you tonight! 🥰


Anonymous said...

You have so many angels in your life!! Love mom💕

Patti Dematteis said...

Gm! Love this story! Your mom is right... you have so many angels supporting and loving you! Is your profile picture with the margarita the one I took at Blue Agave in Scottsdale?? ❤️Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

You keep getting between! Prayers and thoughts! Robin