Blog Archive

Friday, July 8, 2022

Fear Not

“Fear not. Do not be afraid. Be anxious for nothing. Do not fear. Do not worry. I will not be afraid. Do not be dismayed.”

The Bible instructs me how to handle fear hundreds of times and in many ways. Sometimes the side effects of chemo or the thought of cancer can jolt me into a little anxiousness and fear. Then I need to remind myself that God, my Creator, my Heavenly Father does not want me to hold on to that, but rather He helps me find peace in Him by reminding me that He will hold it for me and has dealt with it already. I need to trust and keep my focus on Him and His goodness, His love and His purpose for my life. I am reminded that He knows exactly what’s happening in my life and He’s got me. 

This morning I woke up at 5:30 dealing with some chemo side effects ie. stomach cramping and diarrhea. Last time, I got to Day 20 after having chemo before it started. Today, Day 17 it started. So instead of worrying about yet another bout, I simply followed protocol… lots of Imodium and fluids according to my oncologist’s schedule. And praise the Lord, it worked. 

I did take about 3 naps today, too, but I also helped Cindy in the kitchen with making several meals for food prep for the upcoming weeks. She’s a power house in the kitchen so we got 2 batches of soup cooked, made stuffed peppers and Sloppy Joes. Then I vacuum sealed my homemade apple sauce. So a very productive day despite how it started.

This afternoon I had a little burst of energy so we rode our bikes to John’s shop and back totaling 2 miles.  I’m continuously amazed at how God has given me breath in my lungs and improving strength again! I’m in awe of His working in my life and the gift of life I have. When I don’t focus on the fear, I see the gift of peace I can enjoy. 

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