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Monday, May 23, 2022

Answered Prayers

To every single person who whispered a prayer to the Creator, Healer, and Heavenly Father…THANK YOU!!

My hubby is only experiencing symptoms of a minor head cold and is still holding up in a hotel for the week but feeling pretty good, all things considered.

Today I laid low and stayed home all day taking care of fun things like contacting my medical insurance, disability insurance, and paying lots of medical bills. But praise the Lord our bills were all able to be paid and my disability insurance will kick in at the end of July paying me about 60% of my income!  

This morning I received a call from my new oncologist, Dr Sudheendra, and she wanted to answer several questions about my upcoming treatment starting tomorrow. She also shared that based on a test she did, immunotherapy will not work on me so that’s not a treatment we can rely on. As disappointing as this might be, God is way bigger than that and my healing isn’t dependent on it. She also shared with me that the CT scan that was recently done showed a fracture in one of my ribs which might explain some of the rib pain I have had. She also is requesting a new MRI of my liver because although the initial PET scan showed bright spots, she said the CT did not show abnormalities and she wanted to confirm whether or not those areas are truly areas that might have cells in them that don’t belong here or if it’s actually normal. 

Tonight God brought me a sister in Christ who has walked a similar journey as me and has experienced God’s miraculous healing. Kelly showered me with gifts and the greatest of them all was her prayer. But before she prayed I felt the Lord nudging me to take off my oxygen, so without question, I did. I did put the pulse oximeter on after and watched my oxygen go up to 94-97 WITHOUT the oxygen cannula on!!! Seriously, for the rest of the night I’ve had no O2 on and it’s been great!!! Answered prayer!! Truly a miracle!!

Now for the rest of the night I’m going to praise my Father for the blessing of friends who sent gifts, calls and texts and especially for my daughter who waited on me hand and foot with everything I needed throughout the day from food to blankets and even a new healing touch of what we call living bread Therapy where I had a moment of chills and she bundled me up and warmed me with a heated bread roll!! It worked!!

I’m ready to go to sleep in my Father’s arms tonight. Thank you Lord for my girl, Sarah, who has taken the day to tend to me and love on her mama all day. For her I’m so very thankful, Lord!!

My prayer tonight is from a booklet given to me by my sweet new friend, Kelly. It says… Lord you have given me abundant life. I receive that life through your Word and it flows to every organ of my body bringing healing and health. From John 10:10; John 6:63

This is reality fills!

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