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Sunday, May 8, 2022

May 7…A Slice of Heaven

The day started out singing happy birthday to my favorite oldest sister, Karen! I have immeasurable gratitude for her peacefulness through all of this as she attends to me with knowledge and understanding. KJ, I love you deeply. 

Then the family hung out all day and I got to hug my boy and juice my first wheatgrass concoction with my Love. 

The family all went morel mushroom hunting! Probably my favorite hunt of a lifetime!! We didn’t get many but what we all found were big, juicy, glorious morels!! My body was GOING to do it, I told it, no matter how I feel, no matter how sore my ribs were to breathe, no matter what!! I loved every second. We crawled through brakes and branches, crawled over limbs and even slid a little in some mud, but I DID IT!! Even my 70+ year old aunt got in on the festivities and followed her crazy niece around in our woods! 

Next we all were off to the races!! My amazing friend and my daughter’s MIL, Lorna, and her sweet sister, Lynne, put together a smash up fun party to celebrate LIFE, Mother’s Day and of course the Kentucky Derby!! A tender time with everyone including 2 of my 3 sisters, whom we are so blessed to have each other!! Oh…And the horse I bet on won!!! Yes, I picked the lucky horse Rich Strike and made $8!!! 

After we all got back to the house we laughed and told stories and shared memories. Such a memorable, wonderful day with my family. 

Physically I’m about the same. Just don’t make me laugh or cry because I have coughing fits but other than that I’m managing rib pain really well with ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am feel the LOVE. And you, Tricia, and my mom, picked Rich Strike! Well done.