Blog Archive

Friday, May 13, 2022

It’s a BABY!!

Today my daughter and son-in-law honored me immensely by giving me the privilege of making the public announcement to all my readers that I’m going to be a grandma of a beautiful baby GIRL in November!!

I can say more later about my physical status, however, this post deserves its own spot in my blog. There is nothing more precious than life and it’s my prayer that I will get to hold and love this baby girl come November. They’ve asked me to come up with my official grandma name and we’ve narrowed it down to 3! Granita (little Sicilian granny that’s sweet and lemony), Tootsie (a fun, light-hearted name), or Grandma Tea (Tea because I drink tea and T for Tricia). 

What pure joy to see my daughter pregnant and full of such life! Her husband, Connor, couldn’t be a better man for this job! He’s patient, loving, adoring, and such a gentle, humble man. He leads with wisdom and calmness and it’s my greatest gift that they both seek God in all they do. 

I’m so full of gratitude!


Anonymous said...

WHOOP WHOOP Hallelujah! Granita (❤️) I am so thrilled to read this joyous news for all of you!! Blessings follow SJ & Conner on the new journey God’s taking them

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all. I know that you are over the moon! SW